FontForge on GNU+Linux and other UNIXes
Most of the GNU+Linux distributions have packages for fontforge, but these will often be a quite old.
Use the precompiled AppImage: 2019-08-01
Installing on Ubuntu is easy with our Ubuntu PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fontforge/fontforge;
sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install fontforge;
Compiling from Github
Check out Building From Source for more information on using the bleeding edge.
Installing from an rpm
Installing an rpm package is relatively straight forward. You will need root access. Download the RPM files on the release page
Move to the directory containing the downloaded rpm, and then type
rpm -i fontforge-*.rpm
If you’ve already installed fontforge and are updating an earlier version then you should type:
rpm -U fontforge-*.rpm
Other UNIX Systems
netbsd builds for various architectures (alpha, i386, ppc, sparc, x86_64) are available.
Solaris packages for x86 by Apostolos Syropoulos
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