FontForge の最近の変更点
以前の FontForge への変更点
「輪郭を太らせる(E)」で、開いたパスを円形 (または楕円形) のペンで描くように指定すると、反時計回りのパスが生成されていました。
EPS ファイルに含まれるパスの正確な方向をより上手に推測する改善を試みました。
FontForge はグリッドレイヤ内で編集を行うと編集を起こす可能性がありました。
Control キーが押されているとき、スクロールホイールで拡大/縮小を行うようにしました。
「近さ」を em ユニットで計るように指定
FontForge に関するコメントを追加。ついに fontforge ドメインを入手したので、将来のリリースはここで行われることになります。
不正な‘cmap’サブテーブルが与えられた時に、FontForge がクラッシュする可能性がありました。
OS/2 テーブルの生成部を少し整理。
ダイアログがアクティブな時でも、移動イベントをウィンドウに渡すようにしました (それにより、点の情報ダイアログがアクティブな時でもアウトラインウィンドウ上にマウス位置が表示されるようになりました)。
プログラム起動時に表示される著作権表示に、FontForge への名称変更に関するコメントを追加。
プログラムの初回インストール時に、Mac の“preflight”スクリプトに問題がありました。
複数レイヤ編集可能な FontForge で通常フォントを編集するとクラッシュしていました。
AddHint() コマンドを削除し、AddHHint() と AddVHint() に置き換え。
NFNT ビットマップを含む Mac ファミリーを生成すると FontForge がクラッシュしていました。
1 個の文字を PDF フォーマットに書き出す機能を追加。
おや、ヒントマスクを逆向きに指定していました (PS スプラインを出力前に反転しているからです。だからヒントマスク計算も処理中に反転するようにしました)。
Werner の示唆により、ヒントが現在そのある点の上でアクティブかどうかを表示するコードを追加。
Werner の示唆により、ヒントマスクによりどの点が影響を受けるかを表示するコードを追加。
Type3 (および SVG) フォントを実際に編集できる機能を追加。太さのあるパス、線と異なる塗り潰し色、複数の stroke/fill 操作など。これを有効にすると多くのオーバーヘッドが必要になるので、CJK フォントを編集したい人は使用しない方がいいだろうと考えられるため、デフォルトではこの機能はオフにしてあります。これを有効にする場合は
$ configure --with-multilayer
FontForge は (ヒント置換を含む Type1 フォントの読み込み時に) ヒントマスクを構築するとき、コマンド hstem3 と vstem3 を正しく解釈できていませんでした。
非マルチプルマスターフォントの保存時に FontForge がクラッシュを起こす可能性がありました。
スクリプトコマンド ClearCharCounterMasks(), SetCharCounterMask() を新たに追加。
FontForge が不正な TFM ファイルを生成する可能性がありました。
スクリプトコマンド CheckForAnchorClass() を追加。
SetFonthasVerticalMetrics スクリプトコマンドを追加。
中身のない文字のみを置き換え対象とする照合を参照している文脈依存参照があると、その出力時に FontForge がクラッシュしていました。
FontForge は PostScript の“index”コマンドを誤って解釈していました (スタックから (インデックスが 1 個ずれた場所から) の間違った値を返していました)。
単純な (1 軸の) マルチプルマスター Type1 フォントを FontForge で作成しました。ghostview と FreeType の両方で動作しています。
不正な用字系/言語インデックスを含む SFD ファイルから TTF を出力しようとすると、FontForge がクラッシュしていました。ユーザにこれを警告するコードを追加し、いくつかの場合にそれを修正するようにしました。
FontForge が以前用いていた点の個数を表現する書式をもつ SFD ファイルからの読み込みに問題がありました。要するに、点の数え方のひどい間違いがまだ残っていたということです。
FontForge はカウンタマスクが存在するときに不正な SFD ファイルを書き出していました (グリフの全輪郭が失われていました)。
パレットを連結してからアウトラインビューを閉じると FontForge がクラッシュするのは何故なのか、ようやく突き止めました。
PostScript で参照を表現するためにサブルーチンを使用する方法に、(1月30日以来) 問題がありました。
スクリプトコマンド AddHint() と ReplaceCharCounterMask を新たに追加。
Mac スタイルで“Condense”と“Extend”を同時に選べないように変更。
Mac で、点の情報ダイアログがクラッシュを引き起こしていました。
フォント情報ダイアログに Mac Stle を制御できる UI を追加。
マルチプルマスターフォントの prep テーブルに関する追加作業。
2 次スプラインを含むデータベースからの PostScript フォントの出力が動作していませんでした。
/CharStrings が 2 個含まれるフォントを読むと FontForge がクラッシュしていました。
左/右向き矢印を押した時のメニューバーのふるまいを (Werner のために) 微調整。
seac (Type1 の) つきで作成された複合グリフにおいて、アクセントの変形が間違っていました。
マルチプルマスターフォントの prep テーブルの追加作業。
TTF の点の個数をまだ数え間違えていました。
ユーザが TTF を読み込んで等幅に設定し、それから TTF として出力すると、.notdef 以外の文字の送り幅がすべて 0 になっていました。
SFD 読み込みルーチンにバグがありました。ヒントマスクに文字 [a-fA-F] のいずれかの文字が含まれていると無限ループに陥っていました。
Type2 の出力において、グリフをサブルーチンに登録するときに、そのグリフに衝突がなく、かつ 1 個のヒントマスクが存在したとき、FontForge は不正なフォントを出力していました (FontForge がそれを再び読み込もうとするとクラッシュしていました)。
configure スクリプトがまだ Solaris で動作していませんでした (libiconv を含む Mac でもおそらく同様でしょう)。
Mac の文書は、‘feat’テーブルは機能 ID 順にソートされていなければならないと主張します。しかし、その通りにすると WorldText はそれらの機能を検出することができません。どの Apple フォントでも、機能が‘morx’テーブルの連鎖で使用される順番に従ってソートされているようです。その通りにすると WorldText は動作します。
状態マシンエディタへのいくつかの拡張を Yannis が提案しました。とくに重要なのは、編集ダイアログの中で Up/Down/Left/Right ボタンで移動できる機能です。
Mac ファミリーの構築方法を制御するための SetMacStyle() コマンドを追加。
スクリプト処理内の Print() を行った後に fflush の呼び出しを追加。
CFF 辞書が極端に桁数の多い実数値を含んでいると、FontForge がクラッシュしていました (この場合、フォントそのものが間違っていますが)。
FontForge は、ビットマップからのコピーを行った時にビットマップ文字の幅をコピーしていませんでした。
- (David Shaal の提供した情報によるリンク) から、追加の全文字使用文を追加。
ヒント置換に関する私の以前のアプローチは、マルチプルマスターフォントで問題を引き起こしていました。そういうわけで、どの点が置換点で、その点にはどのヒントマスクがあるのかを記録しておくように変更しました。それらの点を自動的に検出する新しいコマンドを追加したので、ユーザが点の情報ダイアログ (エレメント→情報を得る) でそれを直接制御できるようになりました。それと同時に、同様の事がカウンタマスクに対しても可能になるようにする必要がある事に気づいたので、FontForeg はカウンタマスクを OTF ファイルから読み込みます (Type1 に対してはこれを実装していません)。新しいコマンドは、正しい値について推測を行い、ユーザはそれをエレメント→グリフ情報で直接編集できます (新しいスクリプトコマンド SubstitutionPoints() と AutoCounter() はその名のとおりの処理を行います)。
ある文字がユーザの思い通りのヒントを含んでいて、ユーザが自分で AutoHint() を呼ぶまでは更新してはならないことを表す ヒント(H)→自動ヒントを停止(D) コマンド (と、それに対応するスクリプトコマンド) を追加。
PostScript フォント (Type1 と Type2) を出力時に座標を丸めるかを制御する機能を追加。
FontForge は、ビットマップのみのフォントに対し、壊れた‘post’テーブルを出力する可能性がありました。
FontForge では、同じタグを含むペア単位の位置指定を 2 つ作成することができませんでした。
Mac の機能名と“Bold”などのいくつかの標準的な名称のハンガリー語訳を追加。Laszlo Karoly の提供。
FontForge が 1 個の文字に 2 つのエンコーディングを対応させているとき、FreeType を用いたビットマップ生成が混乱を来していることに Pierre HANSER が気づきました。
フォントのエンコーディング 0 に .notdef 以外の文字が含まれていると、それから OpenType フォントを生成した時にかなりの高率でクラッシュしていました。
選択に関するメニュー項目を 2 個追加: 選択(S)→輪郭全体(C)、選択→最初の端点(F), 次の端点(N)。
文字内の輪郭の順序を設定することができるサブメニューを追加。これはほとんど無意味 (最終的な文字の表示は、それを構成する輪郭をどの順序で描画したかには影響されないはず) ですが、マルチプルマスターフォントにおいては、対応するグリフ内では輪郭リストの順序が同じでなければなりません。
壊れた Mac テーブルからの読み込みに関するパッチが失われていたので、パッチを当て直しました。
TrueType デバッガを fpgm に適用しようとすると FontForge がクラッシュを起こしていました。
FontForge デバッガウィンドウの背景色が常に灰色になっていました。
グリフのデバッグ中に情報表示行にコード範囲 (‘fpgm’/‘prep’/グリフ) を表示するようにしました。
‘fpgm’/‘prep’ テーブルの作成時に、ゴミ命令が含まれたテーブルを作っていました。
なぜだか、‘cvt ’テーブル編集用のダイアログを入れ忘れていました。修正しました。
PostScript インタプリタ (の、.eps ファイルと Type フォントの読み込みに用いる部分) にバグがあり、斜め成分を持った変換行列 (回転・傾きなど) で点を座標変換すると間違った値を返していました。
EPS ファイルが gsave を行う時により多くの PS グラフィック状態を保存するためのコードを追加。
フォントの併合(M) が、空のフォントへの参照を含むフォントを併合するとクラッシュしていました。
OS/2 テーブルの幅/ウェイトクラスにデフォルト値を設定していませんでした。
いくつかの場合に、ビットマップダイアログが割り付けたメモリより 1 バイト多く書き込む可能性がありました。
(アウトライングリフビューの) 各輪郭の最初の点のそばに、輪郭の向きを表す小さな矢印を追加
Mac は、CFF の仕様を非常に厳格に、しかし正しく解釈しています。フォントが参照を含まない場合、FontForge は空のサブルーチンインデックスを出力していました。これは間違いでした。空のサブルーチンインデックスを書き出すのではなく、一切書き出さないのが正しいのです (奇妙なことに、グローバルサブルーチンはその反対でなければなりません。腐ってますねえ)。参照が存在しない場合、ローカルサブルーチンを出力しないように FontForge を変更しました。
Yannis Haralambous がフランス語の UI を修正しました。
新しいスクリプトコマンドを 3 つ追加: AddAnchorClass(), AddAnchorPoint(), RemoveAnchorClass()。
ファイル名を指定して保存(A) と 取り込み(I) の両ダイアログはフランス語での見栄か箍編でした。非英語システムでの見栄えが向上するためのその他の改良を多数行いました。
FontsInFile() は PFB ファイル (と、CFF) で動いていませんでした。
複数の FOND をもつ Mac リソースファイルをスクリプトから開くとクラッシュしていました。
フォント情報(I)→[TTF名] で、ロケール名によらず言語を Unicode 順に並べるようにしました (今までは言語は、たとえフランス語ロケールであったとしても、英語でのアルファベット順に並べられていました)。
CFF ファイルの読み込みをサポート。
TTF の点の数え方にまだ問題がありました。
FontForge が不正な Apple 照合テーブルを読んだ時の保護コードを追加 (私が思うには、10.3 付属の Zapfino.dfont には 2 個の不正な照合が含まれていると思いますが、私が単に仕様を誤解しているだけの可能性が高いです)。
問題点を発見 ダイアログに‘DFLT’の検出を追加。
ずっと以前から、不正な GPOS 単純位置指定サブテーブルを出力していました。
Cygwin 上では (おそらく他でもそうでしょうが、私は今まで他のどこでもこのバグに気づきませんでした)、他のコマンド実行が終わっていないうちにメニューからコマンドを起動すると、FontForge がほぼ確実にクラッシュしていました。
裸の CFF ファイルの読み書きをサポート。
アクセントつき文字の構築(B) は、dotlessi が含まれていないフォントで iacute 等のアクセントつき文字を構築しようとするとクラッシュしていました。
RemoveATT スクリプトコマンドに 3 番目の引数として "*" を指定したときに動作してていませんでした。
FontForge のグリフビュー内でクリッピング操作を行ったときにゴミが残ることがありました。
Meta キーと同時に矢印キーを押すと、選択された点を矢印キー単独で押したときの 10 倍の距離だけ移動するようにしました。
GPOS/GSUB での昨日の並び順を Microsoft のサイトから取得し、FontForge にその知識を組み込みました。
制御点に関する制約を課すようにしました (例えば、曲線上の点の両側の制御点は、元の点と一直線になるようにするなど)。
データ入力に (オフセット指定に加え) 距離と角度を指定して行うもう一つのモードを付け加えました。
いくつかの MF フォントのグリフ名には、PostScript 名として許されない文字が含まれています。
FontForge は、Windows の FNT (FON) ファイルからグリフを読み込む時に文字幅設定に失敗していました。これにより、幾つかのグリフが無視される危険性がありました。
メトリックビューの 表示(V) メニューに、ユーザが名前または符号位置を指定してグリフを挿入することができる 3 つのコマンドを追加。
縦書きメトリックを含むフォントから生成した AFM ファイルが "WY" (縦書きの送り幅) の値を含んでおらず、ファイル内の vkern の値が実際には横書きのカーニングの大きさが入っていることを Yannis が指摘しました。
'kern' テーブルにはペア単位の縦書きカーニングが (クラス単位の縦書きカーニングが含まれていない場合) まったく含まれていませんでした。
編集中のグリフに置換が含まれていない場合、メトリックビューの表示(V)→置換 サブメニューがただしく動作していませんでした。
表示(V)→置換 メニューに、オリジナルのグリフに戻れる方法を追加するように Yannis が要求しました。
David Opstad のおかげで、フォーマット 1 のカーニングテーブルの実例を入手したので、FontForge に状態マシンによるカーニングのサポートを追加しました。
OTB (OpenType ビットマップ) フォントの生成と読み込みを行うコードが壊れていました。
自作の奇妙なビットマップのみのフォントを Windows 用に出力するためのコードに幾つかの (別個の) フラグ関連の欠陥がありました。
フォントビュー (またはグリフビュー) 上で文字をタイプした時、フォントが文字を含んでいない場合、FontForge はその文字の符号位置に対応するスロットを (その符号位置にその文字がある場合でさえ) 選択していませんでした。
PS Type3 フォントの読み込み時に、グリフの解析中にグリフ名が利用可能であるかどうか確認するようにしたので、理解しやすいエラーメッセージ (ほとんどの場合は、"スプラインの幅が太すぎます" というものですが) が表示できるようになりました。
Adam Goode が、フォーマット 12 (32 ビット Unicode) の CMap が間違っていることを指摘し、修正パッチを提供しました。
FontForge が提案済みの文字 dotlessj (U+0237) を認識するようにしたので、ここか Adobe の私用領域のどちらか (フォントにどちらが含まれるかにより異なる) を用いるようになりました。
FontForge は、pala.ttf に含まれる逆向きのブリーブに依存するアクセントつき文字を構築しようとするとクラッシュを起こしていました。
pala.ttf が微妙に傾いている (0.0005°) と間違って解釈していました。
PostScript (Type3 フォント、EPS ファイル) の反時計回りの、線描きと塗りつぶしの両方を含むパスを取り込もうとすると問題を起こしていました。
OTB フォントのバージョンスタンプを 'OTTO' から 1.0 に変更。
同じタグに複数の機能が存在する場合に (例えば、用字系の異なる 'kern' があるとき) FontForge は異なる照合を作成しないで同じ照合のコピーを複数作成していました。
FontForge は、右横書き照合フラグビットをヘブライ文字に対して (また、おそらくアラビア文字に対しても) 正しくセットしていませんでした。
フォント情報ダイアログや ScaleToEm() で高さ/深さを変更したときに、OS/2 フィールドのいくつが正確に更新されていませんでした。
OS/2 の TypoDescent フィールドが負の値でなく正の値に設定されていました。
スクリプトが PS 名前文字列と同様に TrueType 名前文字列にアクセスできるように SetTTFName() と GetTTFName() を追加しました。
Kazuyuki からのパッチ。SetPanose に配列を引数に与えたときにうまく動いていませんでした。
Pierre からの新しいフランス語訳。
$copyright が正しいデータを返していませんでした (Giuseppe Ghibo からのパッチ)
非 ASCII の Unicode 文字のカーニングペアが、SVG フォントに正しく出力されていませんでした。
AddATT() スクリプトコマンドが合字を正しく追加しておらず、フォント出力時に問題を起こしていました。
FontForge が理解できないエンコーディング名を与えられたらクラッシュしていました。
TrueType デバッガに同期問題があってデッドロックを引き起こしていました。
FontForge は文脈依存の範囲照合を正しく読み込めていませんでした (文脈連鎖依存の照合は問題ありません)。
符号化方式によって指定された範囲の外の文字符号をもつビットマップフォント (例: 文字 0x10000 を含む Unicode BMP フォント) を読み込むと、FontForge がクラッシュしていました。
表示→組合せ→合字 ダイアログのいくつかの細かい改良。
11/6 に持ち込まれたバグ。FontForge はビットマップを含む TTF アウトラインフォントの出力時に不正な‘loca’テーブルを出力していました。
SFD ファイルからアウトラインを読み込む時に、FontForge は TrueType の点番号を間違えてつけていました。
loca テーブルの長さが 2 バイトか 4 バイトの時、FontForge はグリフの個数が間違っていると警告していました。
FontForge は、2 つの TrueType グリフが同じ名前をもっていると混乱していました。
埋め込まれた TTF ビットマップを書き出す時、FontForge は余分なグリフ (.null と return) で混乱して、ゴミを書き出していました。
表示→組合せ→合字 ダイアログを非ラテン文字に関して少し改良しました。
The clut used for drawing anti-alias bitmaps in the metrics view was wrong.
In a bitmap only ttf file, FontForge was usually producing bad line spacing
data as far as the mac was concerned.
When importing bitmaps into an empty font, we might as well change to font
view to show the bitmaps rather than the empty outline data.
If glyph 0 was selected in the fontview then the File->Open Outline command
was disabled.
With a user defined encoding we were again getting occasional crashes.
(introduced by my work on bitmaps)
On certain glyphs, the optimizer introduced an slight error when calculating
a spline's coefficients from its control point. Even though this error was
on the order of 7e-8 it was enough that the rasterizer produced grossly incorrect
results. I have pulled the relevant routine out into its own file which is
now compiled by itself without optimization.
When FontForge removes glyphs with Font Info->Encoding->Number of
characters, it will now run through the font and remove any ligatures,
substitutions, etc. refering to non-existent glyph names.
Some improvements to remove overlap.
Added a warning message so that when user attempts to output a ttf file where
no characters have unicode encodings, then the user at least gets warned
that the result will probably not work. For fonts with fewer than 256 glyphs
it will offer the choice of a symbol encoding.
If a reference were copied in the outline character view and pasted into
the font view, fontforge would crash.
the expand stroke patch on 29-Sept broke calligraphic and ellipse modes.
The mouse's scroll wheel did not work in the metrics view.
The metrics view resized very slowly under window managers which do continuous
Give the magnifying glass's rectangle mode a threshold so that it doesn't
resize tiny rectangles which are really caused by mouse jitter.
Attempt to set a zoom size for character and bitmap windows, but modern window
managers don't seem to support the old protocol, and I can't find docs on
a new version.
Was not converting filenames to unicode properly for the open/generate progress
FontForge would crash when attempting to draw a character for which in had
no (X11) glyph when doing bidirectional text.
When removing an ATT feature from a glyph using a script, FontForge would
screw up memory. Leading to unpredictable results.
FontForge would crash when converting from cubic to quadratic splines in
a script
FontForge would leave a dangling pointer when converting from cubic to quadratic.
This did not affect ttf generation, but would affect most other operations.
FontForge would crash when changing the encoding of a font with a .notdef
character to a user defined encoding.
If one had multiple ligatures for the same glyph with the same tag and script,
FontForge would eat all but one of them.
When generating most kinds of font, of a font which had ligatures containing
glyph names that were not in the font, then FontForge would often screw up
memory and eventually crash.
Simplify sometimes removed points at extrema even when it should not have
If one had a ttf font (with instructions) and merged in a postscript font
and then generated a ttf font, FontForge would complain about an internal
error, but go on to produce a valid font. It should no longer complain.
When generating fonts from a script, if the font were in compacted format
the generated font would have a compact encoding (instead of the desired
Kanou provided a patch to speed up importing bitmap fonts.
The change on the 20th to make custom encoding support 32bit unicode was
incomplete and made custom encodings crash instead.
The File->Display dialog ignored the left-sidebearing of a glyph causing
output of some fonts to look awful.
Was getting the AdobeStandardEncoding a bit wrong (after the 5-Oct change
to the new unicode glyph list which does not contain "fi" nor "fl")
I used to set the "widthset" bit on .notdef characters, but there's really
no point to that.
Maxim Iorsh tells me that U+fb4f should be a historic ligature.
On some displays right scrolling the Histogram dlg would leave black lines
on the window.
AutoHint removed too many stems from consideration as hints on some very
bold fonts
Make FontBBox of Type1 fonts be executable. Adobe says it doesn't have to
be, but dvips expects it to be.
Windows XP & 2000 insist on having (what cygwin describes as) the execute
bit of the file set. So FontForge now sets execute permissions on ttf, otf
and pfb fonts on the cygwin platform.
If a menu was so big that it had to be positioned over the menubar (instead
of above or below it), and the user clicked on the menubar to invoke it,
then the mouse release would go to the new menu and invoke whatever item
happened to be under the cursor. Not good.
Oops. The Effects sub-menu should have been disabled for quadratic (truetype)
Added a new configuration option --with-regular-link to disable my dlopening
of libraries. I dislike this. I don't think it is anywhere near as flexible
as the dlopen method. It makes it much harder to ship something that will
work with freetype (detecting whether the bytecode interpreter is present
must be done at link time rather than run time and that is a severe disadvantage.
But I have been asked for it.
Change internal format so that custom encodings can handle 32 bit unicode.
FontForge was still outputting a disordered name table.
The source tarball on the website included many files twice and some files
that it should not have included at all. I should now be less than half the
size it used to be.
FontForge did not bother to open files in binary mode. If cygwin was configured
with DOS linebreaks, then fontforge failed to generate valid font files on
Added some more warnings to the default build list and fixed the problems
they indicated.
Several bad bugs in last night's build (name table was (usually) all screwed
up, conversion from PS to TTF got incorrect Internal Error msgs)
Order tables in truetype output
My 5-Oct-2003 libpng fix broke it completely. Should now be refixed.
Another patch from Kanou to recognize encodings better in bdf files.
Various memory fixes found by valgrind
The Element->Find Problems->ATT->Missing glyph names fixup dlg had
some formatting problems and failed to skip properly.
Draw an "x" through encodings which do not map to glyphs
If the user is in a compacted encoding and asks to print a font, then revert
to the uncompacted encoding for the duration of the printing.
View->Show ATT would show ligatures (and substitutions) even if some of
the glyphs in the glyph list were missing.
Fix a number of bugs found by the MS Font Validator
I misunderstood (and the spec incorrectly documented) the behavior of the
maxp table
I had a typo in figuring out the OS/2 table
I had one more case where I was computing the point count of a glyph incorrectly.
Make the width line snap to zero when the user drags near it.
Give the Metrics View a vertical mode in which it does vertical kerning,
Add a hack to allow FontForge to parse a weird pfb file.
Fixed a number of bugs in the new kerning class dlg including:
Vertical kerning classes were displayed horizontally
When adding a new class the new offsets were garbage
The routine to convert a horizontal kerning class to the equivalent vertical
kerning class (of the vertical variants of the glyphs in the horizontal class)
didn't work.
In Back and Lookup Classes of a contextual chaining substitution by class,
the [New] button was never enabled. (it was disabled if []SameAs was on,
and then never enabled).
My new 94x94 encodings were actually 93x93. Patch by kanou.
Got rid of GreekFixup and added Interpretations of encodings to FontInfo
FontForge failed to output ligature substitutions nested under a context/chain
If a font had more than about 5 nested ligatures, fontforge would screw up
its memory and (likely) crash
Fixed various problems pertaining to adding a kerning class to an empty font
Add a runtime check for the case where the user's system has a dynamic libpng
installed without libz
If a character had ligature carets then FontForge could crash when determining
its script
FontForge was reading mac 'kern' format 3 incorrectly.
Rewrote the Kerning class creation dialog. I hope it is clearer now.
got rid of my strange 94x94 encodings for JIS/KSC/GB (based on the kuten
array) and used instead the much more obvious encoding that everyone else
BDF files were output with the wrong encoding name for JISX0208 (I was outputting
"JISX208" instead-- missing a "0").
Autotrace failed to read potrace output properly if there were more than
one contour in a given glyph.
Upgraded psunicodenames to the current Adobe Glyph List for New Fonts.
Simplify now works for quadratic splines. If one uses the []Allow Slopes
to Change checkbox then results are not good. I need a better algorithm.
If asked to generate a type0 postscript font for a font encoded with an extended
1byte encoding (ie. one that had about 300 characters) FontForge would probably
When a path was both stroked and filled (in a postscript/eps file), fontforge
would ignore the stroke.
I forgot that the stroke linewidth needs to be transformed by the current
transformation matrix. This meant that when a path should have been stroked
by an ellipse (when reading a ps/eps file) fontforge would blithely stroke
it with a circle.
Added some support for reading the /Metrics array.
If there were a sharp corner (where the "radius of curvature" of the corner
was less than the radius of the pen used to stroke the path) then FontForge
would generate an incorrect path.
Round line joins were not a good approximation to circular arcs.
When filling the outline character view, rounding errors caused the fill
bitmap to stray from the outline.
Extend the functionality of the magnifying (or minifying) tool so that if
the user drags out a rectangle with it then the view will be shifted and
scaled so that rectangle fits in the window.
FontForge will no longer auto-generate hints on non-integral boundaries.
In Type1 fonts such hints become meaningless and just confuse things.
FontForge will now draw a halo around points which will be part of a flex
hint. See the UpdateFlex preference item.
FontForge now has as set of commands for manipulating typographic features
in large lumps rather than one at a time.
Copy features from one font to another
Remove certain features
Give features a new tag
I have greatly rewritten the code for dealing with AAT fonts
FontForge now supports mac feature/setting values to be used as feature tags
as well as opentype 4 letter tags
FontForge will now read any feature in even if it doesn't map to an opentype
FontForge understands the most of the state machines in the morx/mort tables
(it does not understand ligature state machines, it parses these for all
unconditional ligatures, but it will miss any conditional ones).
FontForge now lets you edit apple state machines
FontForge lets you specify feature/setting names in the font to override
the default values specified in preferences
Added support for reading Apple's format 3 kern sub-table format (another
way of storing a kerning class)
Oops. SVG didn't read relative movetos properly in a path option. Patch by
Kengo Ichiki.
Simplify had a bug when passed a path which consisted of a single point with
a zero length spline connecting it to itself
Simplify was not greyed out properly in quadratic fonts
Some of the low-level error routines consumed massive amounts of cpu time
while waiting for events
The PostScript parsing routines would sometimes think that "noaccess" was
part of the value of something in the private dictionary.
Several other patches to importing images by templates from scripts. By Kengo
Importing pcf bitmaps into the background had some problems.
the 17-Aug addition of context/chaining broke anchor classes. Should be fixed
Károly László has added Hungarian translations for the
style codes to Font Info->TTF Names
If a font had comments, an svg file generated from it had syntax errors.
Add support for generating multilingual strings (in 'name') for the apple
Add support for the packed gb2312 which mac and windows seem to use.
Make a UniqueID of -1 in Font Info mean that the font has no UniqueID.
Add problems for maximum number of hints (96) and maximum number of subroutine
nests (references) ~10.
I looked at AppleChancery again and figured out why I was having trouble
parsing its 'mort' ligature tables, and put in code to make it easy to parse
tables of this type.
After figuring that out, I realized there was a bug in my own table generation.
Suppose we have two ligatures "f l => fl" and "s t => st", and are
given "fst". Then my table would fail to find the "st" ligature. The state
of 'read "f" waiting for "l"' would see that it didn't get an "l" and revert
back to the initial state. It should instead have checked to see if "s" could
start a ligature in its own right, and if so jump to the 'got "s" waiting
for "t"' state.
The same fix needs to be done for contextual glyph substitution.
FontForge failed to display the morx table if all it contained were simple
FontForge generated incorrect simple substitution (AAT) tables if it found
a substitution with no valid elements
New problem for find problems. Check for characters with more than 1500 points
in them.
FontForge will now draw selected points in a different color (currently yellow),
and draws them bolder. This makes them stand out better for Find Problems
(but also makes it harder to distinguish between corner and curved points).
Redid the way FontForge handled arabic forms in AAT. Old method was cleaner
but depended on behavior which is unspecified in Apple's docs.
環境設定ダイアログが7月12日以来壊れていました。環境設定ダイアログの [フォント情報] タブで設定した情報はおそらく全部でたらめなデータでしょう。
FontForge wasn't always getting the script/lang right when filling in the
fields of the New Substitution dlg.
The newly generated apple state machines for context/chaining were quite
wrong. I hope I've got them right now.
The []PSNames checkbox (in Generate Font, Options dlg) did the opposite of
what it was documented to do. Behavior has been changed to conform to the
documentation (and expectations).
FontForge would crash when loading some sfd files from a few months ago.
When I added metadata to svg fonts (20-Aug) I inadvertently put in two closing
metadata tags. Which broke the font.
Fixed a bug conversion of context/chain coverage sub-table into a morx subtable.
Figured out in what cases I could generate a morx subtable from context/chain
glyph or class format subtables.
Fixed problems reading required features from ttf files.
Updated French UI
View->Show ATT didn't show contextual/chaining tables even if they would
be put in the 'morx' table
View->Show ATT had problems showing anything in 'morx'
Make it possible to edit contextual/chaining lookups that are formatted by
parsing/generating ttf files with class format context/chaining had problems
loading a class format context/chaining lookup caused memory problems when
closing the file.
FontForge would sometimes lose track of script/languages of lookups when
reading from a ttf file
Added a conversion routine from glyph to class format context/chain
Kanou points out that not all encodings available in Font Info->Encoding
are present in the scripting interface, and fixes that.
Fix simplify again
Patch from Andrey V. Panov to improve bluevalues
KDE refused to make the find problems explanation window visible, so now
I shan't make it invisible in the first place.
Generate mac family crashed instead (introduced 2-July)
Support for potrace
Fix some bugs with simplify more
Mac build was badly configured and linked with a shared library it should
not have.
When compiled with -O2 fontforge had rounding errors which resulted in a
bad bezier order3=>order2 conversion (PS->TTF)
SetPanose sometimes didn't
Patch from KANOU to set ulUnicodeRange for version 4
FontForge は SVG の相対パスを正しく解釈しておらず、SVG 出力も正しくありませんでした。FontForge は誤って、Type1 の rcurveto (各点の座標を開始点からの相対値で指定する) と同様の解釈ではなく rrcurveto (各点の座標を演算子中の前の点からの相対値で指定する) と同様の解釈で SVG を解釈していました。
If FontForge opened a Bold font stored in OTF CFF format, then when it closed
that font it would either crash, or screw up memory so that a crash would
happen later.
Support for contextual, chaining contextual and reverse chaining contextual
sub-tables of GPOS/GSUB.
Will generate an Apple contextual glyph substitution table if:
There is an apple feature which matches the otf tag
The sub-table is in coverage format
The sub-table contains either exactly one nested single glyph replacement
substitution, or
it contains exactly two single glyph replacements and one of them refers
to the last glyph matched (and the other does not)
KANOU points out that on screens with high dpi FontForge would sometimes
draw splines 2 pixels wide and sometimes 1 pixel wide (122dpi had this effect)
KANOU provided another patch for reading bitmaps one part covered a memory
leak the other fixed a bug reading ttc files.
Added a LoadEncodingFile scripting command
New french ui.
FontForge was using the wrong definition of ascent & descent to set those
fields in the 'hhea' table. This confused some mac programs (perhaps others).
Added a "BBox" item to CharInfo scripting.
Added a FontsInFile scripting command to return an array containing the fontnames
of all fonts in a file. If an error occurs, a zero length array is returned.
Change so that when opening a file containing multiple fonts the font's filename
contains the fontname (so it is possible to open other fonts from the same
Kanou provides a patch for compressing bitmaps with more than 8 bits of white
space to their left.
Markus Schwarzenberg provides a patch to make fontforge recognize $cidfamilyname
as it should have done.
Add the ability to generate fonts which contain both OpenType and Apple Advanced
Typography tables (ie. a font that should work everywhere).
Added Utf8(int), Chr(int), Ord(int) to interconvert between strings and their
Add two problems to Find problems
Search for substitutions, contexts, kerning classes, etc. which refer to
a name which does not match any glyph in the font
Search for contexts, chains, etc. which refer to a nested lookup which does
not exist
Add a new command line argument "-last" which will load the last sfd file
FontForge would crash when importing bitmap fonts
FontForge would crash when trying to do an Element->Default ATT->Suffix
to Tag command
I still wasn't getting r2l kerns correct
Add support for vertical kerning
In 'GPOS', 'kern' tables of Open/TrueType
In SVG fonts
menu commands
Remove VKern
Vertical Kern By Classes
VKern From HKern
Add a "VKern" item to CharInfo
SelectByATT() の type 引数の解釈が変更されました!!!
Add support for other Pairwise positioning features.
Add a $panose command to return an array of panose values (scripting)
Add a SetPanose command allowing scripts to change panose values
FontForge was not rotating .vert glyphs properly
Installed KANOU's fix for a buffer overrun
Installed KANOU's fix for compacted cid-keyed fonts
Fixed another bug with compacted cid-keyed fonts
Mathias Wollin points out that my pfm files don't have the correct kerning
table format
Handles the case where a font has both a 'glyf' and a 'CFF ' table by asking
user which to use
Various improvements to the goto dialog from James Crippen.
If the ttf "Apple" box got checked then it remained checked in subsequent
Generate Fonts even though the [Options] dialog did not show it checked.
FontForge would crash if given an Anchor class with no marks.
Hmm... I notice that volt only uses format 2 coverage tables. I wonder if
windows fails to handle format 1 tables...
Add support for svg fonts
(and add dependency on libxml2 for reading them in)
Add support for importing/exporting svg files (again libxml2 needed for import)
Add support for required features.
In quadratic fonts the ellipse tool did not draw ellipses
Add support for rectangles/ellipses drawn center out rather than just within
the bounding box
Preserve the rect/ellipse tool settings across invocations
Put a license entry into the help menu
made the default linux browser be mozilla rather than netscape.
If the metrics view were displaying an anchored pair (mark-base), and a character
were typed into the text field at top before the anchored pair, then the
display got very strange.
FontForge got confused when merging a font which contained multiple encodings
for the same glyph
FontForge got confused if there were an lparen in a directory name (thought
this meant a font collection).
We weren't parsing any type3 fonts properly any more
Extend our ps interpreter to understand some of METAPOST's idioms better.
I used to call all characters which weren't in the encoding ".notdef" this
could cause problems if a user forgot to name them. I now give them unique
names starting with "NameMe". I still leave characters <256 called ".notdef"
if the encoding calls for it, this may be a mistake...
Fix on 14-July to simplify was incomplete.
More fiddling with autohint
Added support for the new X11 opentype bitmap format.
2003年7月14日 (Bastille Day!)
There are still cases where I'm getting the truetype point count wrong. If
a truetype file had a control point that lay under an end point, then I would
treat that as a "no control point" mark, and ignore the cp. But if I do that
blindly I mess up the point count, so during font generation I must be prepared
to put the cp back.
Kanou provided a patch to fix a bug in the underlying graphics library.
Add a popup menu to Show Att to allow those data to be saved (as utf8 text)
Fixed (I hope) right to left kerning
Added 'ccmp' entries by default for Hebrew
Fixed a couple of bugs with the new simplify more options
fontforge didn't compile on solaris. It now does.
Remove weirdness in scripting interface to TeX font parameters
Kanou points out that the code for reading format 4 embedded (ttf) bitmaps
was ambiguous and would behave incorrectly sometimes. He provided a patch.
FontForge used not to create ghost hints for curved splines. It does now.
FontForge did not find some of the hints needed for n021004l.pfb
New French UI
FontForge would sometimes crash when autotracing characters
Don't snap to points when moving control points
Directory browsing didn't work if the local encoding wasn't latin1 and the
directory name contain non-ascii characters.
Add an entry to find problems to look for 'GSUB' entries to non-existent
Expanded the simplify more command
The GPOS output routines got very unhappy if a duplicate glyph happened to
have GPOS data. Fixed on both ends I hope.
The pcf reader was unhappy if
the glyph bb width was a multiple of 8 (we read an extra byte per line which
made the result appear as garbage)
several glyphs had the same name.
the FontInfo dlg failed to parse the merge_with field of Anchor Classes properly,
meaning that each time [OK] was pressed in fontinfo each anchor class name
got a number prepended to it.
Change the way the merge_with field of anchor classes is handled by the UI
so that it makes more sense. We used to display a number, now display the
name of another anchor class with which it can be merged.
Added an arabic text sample, courtesy of Thomas Milo.
Unicode 4.0 に更新 (注意: libuninameslist も一緒に更新されました)
Added a new preference item CharCenterHighest to assist in accent placement.
Oh. This isn't documented, but each langsys table can only point to one (1)
feature with a given tag. So if I have multiple 'mark' lookups, I can't have
multiple 'mark' features, I must have one 'mark' feature with pointers to
many lookups.
FontForge could crash when generating a tfm file from a CID keyed font
Change GDEF output so that the class def table isn't generated when it isn't
needed (we used to generate a 0 length one, which would confuse the freetype-1
opentype code, and perhaps others).
Fixed a bug in autohint caused by negative stem widths.
Added a page to the font info dlg which allows users to set TeX font parameters
Added a mechanism for specifying TeX charlists and extension characters
Added a mechanism for specifying TeX Italic Correction
Revamped support for reading tfm files so that it sets all these new things
Add an Options dialog to the Generate Font window, and remove the check boxes
from it.
Add a UI for the 'PfEd' table
Add a UI to turn off PostScript hinting
FontForge can now generate a tfm and enc file (for TeX)
TrueType/OpenType ファイルの先頭にあるテーブル一覧に出力された GDEF テーブルのサイズが間違っていました。それにより、多くのアプリケーションがこのテーブルを無視していました。それにより、マークから基底文字へ位置指定を行う GPOS テーブルが無視される結果となっていました。 (少なくとも存在する問題がこれだけであることを祈ります)。
On the mac local help files weren't working properly.
Combining unicode characters (mark glyphs) should have an advance width of
0, and now they default to that.
Several people at EuroTeX wanted more pen shapes in the expand stroke dlg.
Ellipses are easy, so we add them.
One guy at EuroTeX wanted to be able to store arbitrary per-glyph data in
the font, so add a new (private) true/open type table that can contain the
glyph comments. This table has tag 'PfEd' and can contain sub-tables containing
font comment, glyph comments, glyph colors. Perhaps other data as need arises.
Kanou has added a new scripting command, SizeOf, to return the number of
elements in an array.
Added a histogram dialog to help figure values for StemSnap[H/V]
Scripting interface to SelectByATT
Crash bug caused by incorrect CID fix on 15-June
(the web interface to the cvs tree seems broken. It doesn't show rmligamarks).
Here's a copy of rmligamarks.c.
Cleaned up the spelling of some scripts.
Deactive the [Edit] button of the Script/Lang list when appropriate.
FontForge wasn't removing the quotes around the copyright notice when read
from a bdf file. After several rounds of read/save there were lots of quotes.
Added a wireframe effect.
Added a find problems entry which will check for control points which are
very close to their main point (so close that it is unlikely that they will
effect the curve much).
The Undo command from the font view did not reset the character changed bit.
GDEF table output had problems with cid-keyed fonts.
So did 'prop' table output.
Expanded View->Show ATT to show 'GDEF', 'lcar', 'prop', 'opbd' tables.
Added a Ligatures entry for View->Combinations in the outline character
Added "Edit->Select->Select by ATT", to allow user to select characters
depending on advanced typographic features.
FontForge はすべての合字に対して常に「結合マークを無視」ビットをセットしていました。しかし yudit (おそらく gedit も) はこのビットが設定されていると置換を処理しません。その一方、いくつかのアラビア文字の合字はこのビットに依存していると思います (少なくとも arabtype-volt.ttf はこれを使用しています)。そういうわけで…今後はこのビットを結合符号を含まないアラビア文字の合字に対してのみセットすることに決めました。これが正しいかどうかはシラネ。
私は rmligamarks という、SFD ファイルを引数にとり、「結合マークを無視」ビットがセットされてはいるが合字に対してはそれをオフにするための小さなツールを作成しました。これは何をするべきかを推測せずに、常にそのビットをオフにします。
FontForge was generating Apple 'morx' tables with the right to left bit reversed
(so it thought latin text was right to left and arabic was left to right).
This meant that ligatures happened backwards (the "ffi" ligature would be
invoked if you typed in "iff")
FontForge was generating a format=1 glyph class definition sub-table of GDEF.
ttx didn't like this, I'm not sure why. Problem goes away if I generate a
format=2 sub-table.
Added a Shadow effect
More fixes for remove overlap
fixed a bug with timers
Preserve the Fit To Em mode of a font.
Added a bunch of scripts (as in writing systems, not executable files) from
the proposed ISO 15924 standard.
Added support for underline position to bdf files.
The 18-May build was bad and failed to read postscript fonts properly on
many platforms (the sources were ok, but the builds were bad)
Display the version number in the about box, and attach it to the directory
in the source .tgz file.
FontForge would crash when asked to produce a ttf font where there was an
unused anchor class.
The original encoding is now preserved when a font is generated.
The goto dialog (and scripting) now recognize "glyph<nnn>" as refering
to glyph <nnn> in the original encoding.
Kanou provided two scripting commands, ConvertToCID and ConvertByCMap.
Added a Remove External flag to Expand Stroke to complement Kanou's Remove
Expanded on Remove Overlap by adding
Intersection -- which removes everything except the overlap
Exclude -- which removes areas where any selected contours cross non-selected
contours (and then removes the selected contours)
Added an Effects sub-menu of Elements, including (so far)
Outline -- turns the selected characters into outline versions of themselves
Inline -- turns the selected characters into inline versions of themselves
FontForge would crash when reading in an sfd file containing a kerning class
gimp objected to some of my ttf fonts. I think because it is inappropriately
clipping to the ascent/descent values in the hhea rather than using the font's
bounding box. It's easy enough to preserve the 'hhea' ascent/descent values
and perhaps that will be enough to make gimp happy.
Kanou points out that rasterization has problems with the new TOfNextMajor,
so use the new code for remove overlap and friends and the old code for
Added a command to do non-linear transformations (but made it require user
configuration to have it compiled)
Added a UI for Kanou's Remove Internal flag to Expand stroke
Apple's 'lcar' (ligature caret) table was being generated incorrectly
Another bug in point numbering
Make "Slanted" a synonym for Oblique.
FontForge did not recognize "filename(fontname)" notation for loading a specific
font from a resource fork of a mac file.
FontForge crashed on the mac when generating a GPOS table. There was an
uninitialized variable there, left behind be recent changes. Removed.
Oops. It should be legal for a 'mkmk' anchor class to have two points in
a glyph, one the normal mark point, the other the base mark point. (that
is it should be possible for a glyph to attach to itself).
Kanou supplied a patch to extend expand stroke.
Changed behavior of AnchorClasses so that two classes could be associated
to form a single feature (ie. one class of "Above" marks, and one class of
"Below" marks)
Show ATT now displays something meaningful for marks
Some general Anchor Class clean up.
Was not setting bits in the CodePage[1] field of the OS/2 table for all the
weird MS specific encodings. It seems I should do that.
Although undocumented, digits behave just like lower case letters in macintosh
filenames for postscript resource fonts.
Looking at the font info->ttf values dialog would cause fontforge to crash
after [Ok] was pressed.
Old sfd files with anchor classes but not script lang index would crash fontforge
when being read in.
Made it possible to select kerning class 0 (ie. everything that isn't specified)
Put in a check to make sure the user didn't add a glyph to two different
kerning classes
FontForge は、サブテーブルが適用される各文字に対して完全な GSUB サブテーブルをダンプしていました (全部の文字に対して 1 個のサブテーブルをダンプするのではなく)。それにより山ほど重複していました。
FontForge は不正なオフセットを保持した拡張サブテーブルを出力していました。
Added some code to protect FontForge when it read incorrect ttf fonts like
those generated above.
Drag and Drop to the Char Info dlg was broken.
If a font had a non-notdef character at encoding 0 and we used freetype to
generate bitmaps for it, then those bitmaps would be assigned to the wrong
glyphs (ie. the bitmap for "A" would go to "B", etc.)
I used "Mac Roman" in several places where I should have said "Macintosh
Added code to determine better defaults for the script lang index
The ligature state table in Apple Chancery has so many possible paths through
it that FontForge bogs down when evaluating it. I presume it would finish
in finite time, but it takes unacceptably long. So I've put in an abort.
Add support for KernClasses (ie. they are no longer just converted into a
large number of kernpairs, but will be stored internally as a set class and
will be output as such). And they have their own dialogs to manage them.
Add support for Apple's new version of the 'kern' table.
Apple の 'kern' テーブルのフォーマット 2 サブテーブルのサポートを追加 (これは OpenType の kern テーブルの フォーマット 2 サブテーブルとは別物です) し、Apple モードを指定したときのカーニングクラスサブテーブルとなります(注意: Apple の文書 は間違っています。彼らは、クラスデータは uint8 の配列に格納していると書いていますが、実際のフォントでは uint16 の配列に格納しています。
Oops, one more fix to remove overlap
Kanou points out that copy hasn't been working (for some time now) when a
contour has be split into bits, only one of the bits is copied.
Kanou points out that Paste reorders open contours
Further work on Show ATT dlg
Further work on multiple features.
Yet more fixes for Remove overlap
Added a mode to the ruler tool where it shows the exact position of the mouse
The Goto command had a strange bug: If a font had a glyph with a known name,
but that glyph did not reside at the unicode slot assigned to that name,
then goingto that name would go to the (empty) unicode slot, rather than
to the actually character.
Werner wants a dlg which shows collects all the
GPOS/GSUB (morx/kern) information in one place rather than scattering it
around hundreds of dlgs.
FontForge now stores the script/langs for kern pairs
FontForge failed to read script/langs for GPOS properly.
FontForge had problems generating an AFM file from a CID font with ligatures
FontForge had problems getting script lang lists right when multiple features
refered to the same lookup.
One of FontForge's deficiencies is that it handles multiple encodings for
the same glyph very badly (it does not have the multiple layers of indirection
that fonts do). Rather than solve this properly I have added a new command
that allows for this case.
Add some more synonyms for greek glyph names
Failed to realize that U+1FED was an accent
No longer tries to build greek accents out of latin ones when Build Accented
is invoked. (but still will for Build Composite).
When swapping character names, check for names like "uniXXXX" and instead
of swapping it, rebuild it as appropriate for the other character.
Font Info->Encoding failed to change the encoding properly when switching
from "Compacted" to anything other than the original encoding.
A couple of changes to the italian translation
Added an "Original" encoding which gives you back the ordering of the glyphs
in the ttf font. (this may be changed when you regenerate a ttf font)
FontForge failed to read ttf instructions for composite glyphs.
FontForge got confused if a ttf file had multiple glyphs named ".notdef"
(which to me looks like a bug in the ttf font, but Times New Roman does this
so I have to deal with it).
Added a command to the popup menu in the charview to bring up a window looking
at a reference.
Add a check for when sfd files contain bad kerning info.
Change a tab in Font Info from "PS General" to "General"
When searching for encoding files, look for the extension ".enc" used by
TeX for PostScript encoding files
Fixed a crash when setting a character's name to a name already given to
another character
Added many new X resources for controlling colors in the outline character
Program generated divide by zero errors when using Meta-Shift to move a control
point which didn't exist.
(cleaned up some syntax issues in non-English nomen files)
Added new scripting commands ClearPrivateEntry, ChangePrivateEntry,
Added new scripting command: UnicodeFromName
Added new script command: RemoveATT
Vadim pointed out that loading "pala.ttf" and then generating it again (as
ttf) produced bad results. FontForge was getting confused by the points which
were used to control Anchors, getting its points list out of order and generally
screwing up.
autosave sometimes lost track of which font it should be applying changes
Add Extrema (or just adding a point in the middle of a spline) would generate
incorrect splines if the spline were linear in one but not both of the two
One more change to Merge/Simplify. Deal with the case of a curve point with
no control point (use the control point in the opposite direction to get
the slope).
Typo in 2-Apr script/lang fix caused crashes.
TeXBaseEncoding (T1) changed in Oct-2002. Updated my version (also updated
the other TeX encodings I've got and included the cyrillic ones into
Sometimes we failed to remove the dot when creating a dotless i/j character.
Merge/Simplify had conniptions when given a zero length spline.
Added "DefaultATT" and "AddATT" scripting command to allow user to add Advanced
Typography features to characters.
Problems with script/lang when: Pasting or Merging ligatures and substitutions
from one font to another
FontForge could generate points (within a ttf simple glyph) in a different
than the original glyph, meaning that the instructions would move the wrong
point resulting in blots. I have fixed this (or at least the cases I found).
FontForge would always give ASCII characters their standard names in a ttf
post table. This was wrong if the character did not have its standard name.
FontForge could go into an infinite loop on some simplifies.
2003年4月1日 (April Fish!)
Fixed a crash in the Join command
Fixed a crash when loading some truetype fonts (never bothered to figure
which ones exactly)
Fixed a similar crash when loading old sfd files (note some old fonts won't
guess the script for ligatures, etc. properly)
Added a new preference item: Stop At Join
Changed the way control points are set when changing point type.
The fill of the outline view sometimes lagged the change.
Added another tag to CharInfo scripting command: GlyphIndex. It returns the
glyph number in the ttf font.
Werner suggests that instead of naming things "nounicode-%x" where %x is
the encoding, use "nounicode-%d-%d-%x" where the two new arguments are the
platform/specific pair used in the cmap we picked.
FontForge was not reading pfb fonts properly if they had more than one binary
section header.
When FontForge removed a character it did not remove all the kernpairs that
refered to that character.
Fixed more leaks with valgrind.
Added more synonyms for glyph names from Adobe Glyph List (I still rely on
Glyph names for New Fonts as my basic set of names)
FontForge had problems if the use selected 0 levels of undoes when the UI
was active.
Selecting the freehand tool in a quadratic font caused a crash. (The freehand
tool doesn't work in quadratic fonts, but it shouldn't crash)
Changed the way scripts are specified. I used to assign a script to every
character. I realize that doesn't work. The digits are used in many scripts
and the fraction ligatures based on them need to be seen in all those scripts,
not just the one that the digit was assigned to. So...
Glyphs no longer have a script assigned to them
Substitutions, Ligatures, Anchor Classes and other Advanced Typographic features
now have a list of scripts (and languages) for which they are active.
There is now an absurdly complex stream
of dialogs which may be used to set this list.
Added a new preference item to allow the user to specify a local help directory
Added a new scripting command SelectIf which allows you to determine whether
a character is in a font (Select signals an error if the character isn't
there, SelectIf returns failure).
Added a new scripting command to change a font's order (from quadratic to
ScaleToEm scripting command will now accept a single argument, the em-size.
Added a new scripting command to allow you to apply an otf substitution to
the font
Added a new scripting command to give control over which ligatures are output
in an afm file
(it used to be that all ligatures were output in the afm file, no only 'liga'
and 'rlig' that appear in a default language are output)
AFM files only support 2 character ligatures. So, when possible, generate
a sort of closure on the ligatures. So if we are given the two ligs "ffi->f
f i" and "ff->f f" then add the ligature "ffi->ff i". This means that
the sequence f+f->ff+i->ffi will eventually reach the ligature we want.
Changed so that an untitled anchor class is now called "Anchor-*" rather
than "Untitled-*".
Rewrote Merge & Simplify commands. In my tests they now produce better
Type2 font generation did not make use of hv/vh curveto commands in some
When figuring out whether to synchronize the width/lbearing of a base character
with the composites containing it, I only checked if the base character was
alphabetic. But that doesn't work for hebrew where unicode says the marks
are alphabetic. So add an additional check that it can't be a combining
When pasting a composite character from one font to another, the saved width
is not useful. Added a check that finds the correct width of the appropriate
base character.
When pasting a composite character from a font with one em-size to another
with a different em-size try to scale the amount references are translated
by an appropriate amount.
CharInfo scripting command has been extended to allow users to test the presence
of substitutions
Some fonts (bsmi00lp.ttf for one) have bad cmap tables which map several
glyphs to the same unicode code point. Put in a check for this and only map
one glyph to that code point now.
Add a preference item to control the number of undoes saved per character
Turn off saving undoes when in a script started from the command line
Added a preference item to control the undo depth from the UI.
Try to do better about scaling my chunk allocator to machines with 8 byte
Was doing 32 bit arithmetic when reading GSUB simple substitution lookups
when I should have done 16 bit.
Tracked down a lot of memory leaks with valgrind (and some uninitialized
variables too)
Added access to a font's version from scripting
Added PostNotice scripting command
When reading a ttf/otf font with a GSUB table fontforge will try to guess
reasonable names for unnamed glyphs by looking them up in the GSUB table.
Thus an unnamed vertical variant for "A" might be named "A.vrt2".
FontForge would crash when outputting ttf files with no 'cvt' table (bug
introduced around 27-Feb)
the configure script did not respect the argument --with-freetype-src as
it should have.
TrueType 命令デバッガを追加 (実際には FreeType の TrueType バイトコードインタプリタへのインターフェイスです)。
このコマンドを利用するには、FreeFype をバイトコードインタプリタを有効にしてコンパイルしておく必要があります。これは、Apple に与えられたいくつかの特許に抵触するため、デフォルトではオフになっています。もしあなたが Apple からライセンスを得ているか、Apple が当該特許を取得していない国に在住しているならば、ライブラリをビルドする前に …/include/freetype/config/ftoption.h 内の適切なマクロを設定することにより、バイトコード処理を有効化することができます (FreeType 配布物のトップディレクトリにある README.UNX ファイルを参照してください)。
FontForge を構築するときには FreeType ソース配布物が読めるように展開されている必要があります (依存するソースファイルがいくつかその中に含まれています)。 |
Added an Edit->Copy Grid Fit command (to put the grid fit splines into
the clipboard)
Added a warning if the freetype library doesn't have a byte code interpreter
so that the user knows his/her splines have been autohinted (rather than
had the bytecode instructions run).
Improved Edit->Merge in some cases that don't fit its constraints
KANOU found some more underscores in character names
And provided a new japanese ui
Round to Int had problems on quadratic splines
Added support for runtime loading of dynamic libraries on the mac.
Memory got screwed up when converting TTF splines to PS ones
KANOU suggested some changes to the quadratic spline UI
I had the wrong makefile at top level so builds didn't
syntax error on systems without freetype
Changed the Show Instructions command to be an Edit Instructions
Bug saving 'prep' table
Bug changing 'cvt ' table
Added ability to look at gridfit splines in charview.
New dialog in outline view to examine ttf instructions
If an sfd file was created from a script then when it was next opened from
the UI it would appear in a tiny window.
The preference item refering to the []Hint check box in the generate dlg
has been renamed.
A checksum-like thing has been added to ui files so that in the future the
application will refuse to use .ui files which do not match its expectations.
Didn't get the SetLBearing change right yesterday.
Changing to quadratic splines with Font Info could generate an invalid spline.
We now preserve truetype instructions when reading in a truetype file (the
fpgm and prep tables, the cvt table and any per character instructions)
These instructions will be dumped out when generating truetype fonts
Added a menu command AutoInstr to generate our own (bad) instructions for
a character.
Any significant change (ie. anything that reorders the points, or adds or
removes points) will clear the instructions for that character.
Changing to cubic splines (fontwide) will clear the instructions (and the
fpgm and prep tables).
configure scripts got confused in the freetype libraries were findable but
the include files were not. Changed the scripts so that freetype is marked
not present if the include files are missing.
Table ordering was not read in properly from an sfd file
Typos in SetCharName & SetUnicodeValue prevented second argument from
Added a second argument to SetLBearing and friends to allow relative bearing
settings (ie. to increment the bearing by some amount)
Bad bug in GSUB generation introduced yesterday
Font level round 2 int command now rounds hints too.
Adobe lies when they say that a hint can't stretch from one bluezone to another,
so be a bit more cautious in removing this case.
Be a little better about getting the script from the GSUB/GPOS table.
FontForge had problems generating mac cursive connection setting.
FontForge had problems defaulting ligatures in cid keyed fonts (even if there
were no ligature characters to be defaulted, the attempt would fail)
I introduced memory problems yesterday. Fixed.
Font level round 2 int will take hints into account when positioning points
in order to maintain stem widths.
When running a script from the command line FontForge failed to initialize
the adobe standard encoding.
Claudio Beccari has provided an Italian UI.
(added Italian style translations to fontinfo)
User now has the ability to control the conversion from mac feature/settings
to otf features.
FontForge now remembers the order features are to be applied in GSUB/GPOS/morx
tables (and dumps features out in that order when it next saves them).
FontForge allows you to reorder the GSUB/morx tables should you wish to do
so. I am sufficiently ignorant that I don't believe it is necessary to reorder
the GPOS table, so there is currently no UI for this. If I am wrong let me
know and I will add that too.
The 'kern' table was not being generated when it should have been. This error
was introduced sometime in the last month due to the AAT changes.
Scripts generating otf fonts would crash if the font had non-integral coordinates
because of a bug in my PostNotice routine when running without X.
Hmm. It looks as though apple uses the "ascending glyph" flag on the features
of the 'mort'/'morx' tables to mean left to right text
Fixed a crash on reading a GSUB table with a glyph out of range.
Added support for a cursive connection (contextual glyph substitution subtable
of) morx.
Added an index to this manual and put a link
to it in FontForge's Help menu. Index is by no means complete yet.
Support direct editing of quadratic (truetype) splines
Change made on 8 Feb 2003 broke the code that read type1 flex hints
Hide files beginning with "." (except for "..") in file chooser dlgs.
Add protections in the afm file output to handle very long copyright notices.
Support for Apple's 'opbd' (Optical Bounds) table
Support for reading some features in non-contextual glyph and ligature sub-tables
of the 'mort' or 'morx' tables.
Support for writing those features in non-contextual glyph and ligature
sub-tables of 'morx'.
added char info to the fontview popup.
the scripting command Generate (and GenerateFamily) would generate truetype
.dfont files when asked to generate otf dfont files.
Add ClearHints scripting command
Add access to preference items from scripting (via: $<prefname>,
Add some support for Apple Advanced Typography tables ('prop', 'lcar')
Popup menus in textfields failed to refresh the text field
KANOU provides a patch for sfd files with long Alternate Subs
FontView didn't deselect properly after doing a drag and drop.
Should now deal with the case where (under cygwin) the user sets BROWSER
to 'netscape' with no path spec.
Ligature carets introduced a crash bug.
Should figure out the default windows browser under cygwin now.
Should handle the case where a user sets the BROWSER variable to something
with a DOS pathspec
Apply KANOU's patch to turn off more autohinting.
Fix a crash introduced yesterday.
scripting didn't work for $familyname fix from Alex Raftis
The title of the Anchor Pair dialog was wrong (said Kern Pairs)
Improved error messages for when a font file did not exist or was unreadable.
Failed to generate a GSUB table when the ligatures came from a r2l ttf file.
I was generating incorrect data for r2l GPOS kerning sub-tables.
Failed to display r2l anchored attachments properly in the metricsview, anchor
pair dlg, or when printing.
Typo when loading libuninameslist dynamic library, introduced on the 24th.
Now we generate a GDEF table too, containing (possibly) a glyph class def
and (possibly) a ligature caret list
Added code for editing horizontal ligature caret locations
More cygwin fixes for invoking browsers.
Added a preference item to control whether autohinting happens before a font
is generated.
When calling Internet Explorer or Netscape on cygwin we needed double backslashes
moved hidden menu items (those invoked by Shift) into submenus
Put in a number of errors and warnings related to a glyph not having a script.
Fixed a crash bug when generating a popup for a glyph with no unicode encoding
Support for scroll wheels.
I hope I've now fixed the problems related to the GSUB table and ttc files.
Now does a pass through the GSUB table to see what glyphs can be introduced
by it when it figures out what glyphs to read from the glyph table (ttc files
have more than one font sharing the table, don't want to read all glyphs).
Added support for extension subtables of GPOS/GSUB.
Making a selection in the textfield of the Display dlg was broken when the
selection was scrolled.
Valek wants a Paste Into command.
Uninitialized variable in GSUB output caused erratic ligature behavior
I'm told that even though it makes logical sense for hebrew to have a 'fina'
tag, it is not customary and I have been asked to remove it from Default
ATT. Which I have done.
FontForge now protects itself better against erroneous GSUB/GPOS tables.
Valek points out there were display problems with the File->Display (and
File->Print) menu options in Russian.
Recent char info changes broke copy & paste within text fields of the
char info dlg.
Problems reading GSUB table of a ttc files (problems remain, but we should
no longer crash).
Reorganized libraries. Now FontForge has an additional dependency:
libuninameslist. Please install
With libuninameslist FontForge can display the Unicode annotation information.
Fixed a couple of bugs loading pcf files with complex encodings
Bug in pasting metadata when there was no glyph comment.
Made SetCharColor scripting command set the color on any selected glyphs
Cleaned up selection behavior in fontview. Drag & drop made it difficult
Oops. Was scaling round rect radius incorrectly in xfig conversion
Oh yes, hebrew has final letters too. And greek. Add them in to the default
for 'fina'.
Fixed many problems with mac font generation
Open VMS update from Jauk Jansen
Support for xkb extension
New Russian UI from Valek
New Japanese UI from KANOU
Saving a compacted font did not preserve the old encoding
Added a preference item to control Edit->Join
made Edit->Copy From->Copy Name (now Metadata) be a preference item
Support for round rects in xfig files
Added the glyph name to the title of the char info dlg
Char info failed to deal with all the flags properly
Fixed crash when creating GPOS sub-table 1 (simple positioning)
GPOS/GSUB output now handles case where a feature has several different sets
of flags.
Update copyright notices
Printing now handles anchored marks. (Display does not, just as display doesn't
handle kerning-- because X doesn't).
Support for cursive positioning.
I've registered with Adobe, and they have assigned FontForge an XUID base
number of 1021. Now when new users start fontforge for the first time they
will be assigned an XUID base sequence of 1021 xxx nnn where xxx and nnn
are two random numbers generated by fontforge. New fonts will get a fourth
number for their full XUID.
Kanou points out that glyph names should not contain underscores so redo
the .cidmap files to change to dashes. Also change "japan1_%d" to "cid-%d"
to make life easier for me.
KANOU points out there were places where fontforge did not check
psunicodenames_cnt. Once outside of BMP this causes a crash.
New Japanese UI from KANOU.
Support for many more GPOS/GSUB sub-tables.
Keep track of the order in which characters are selected in the fontview
and recreate that order when user asks to create a metricsview based on the
fontview's selection
Make it possible to drag&drop characters from fontview into metricsview
(again keeping track of selection order)
Make it possible to drag&drop characters from fontview into charview
to create references
Make it possible to drag&drop characters from fontview into charinfo
to create ligatures, etc.
Command to set the default values for sub GSUB/GPOS features that are easy
for FontForge to figure out.
Ability to zoom metrics view.
Metrics view displays anchor points and does the needed work to position
the characters. It is also possible to move anchor points around in the metrics
Metrics view now has a pop-up menu that allows you to see alternate metrics
Metrics view now has a submenu (off of View) which allows you to change the
current glyph to one of its alternates.
Fixed uninitialized variable what would sometimes cause a crash when storing
bitmaps in a TTF/OTF file.
Fixed crash bug in 29-Dec when generating a truetype font without a GPOS
Many changes to charinfo dlg. Made non-modal. Can Copy/Paste
Position/Substitution data.
Do a minimal amount of work toward supporting the alpha channel of a png
FontForge now supports anchor points
for mark to base (ligature and mark) positioning.
FontForge was mistakenly treating NumLock on PC keyboards as if it were the
command key on Mac keyboards.
The font info dlg now remembers what tab was last pressed.
The char info dlg has been restructured. It includes a script field, and
associates a tag with the ligature (if any).
I have decided to generate a 'GPOS' table rather than a 'kern' table in truetype
output as well as in opentype output (unless applemode is set).
I have changed the default names of items in adobe's private use area to
match their new conventions. ie. names used to look like "Asmall" and now
look like "".
I have rewritten the way GPOS and GSUB tables
are output. I hope this will not have much effect on users, but it does mean
that a few more sub-tables are now supported.
Add support for Big5HKSCS
Redo CJK encodings
Update cidmap files.
Add support for reading windows .FON and .FNT files.
Add support for writing windows .FNT files. Sadly .FNT files aren't particularly
useful. They need to be converted to .FON files with the resource editor
Bug when reading postscript files that included complicated combinations
of translate scale and concat commands.
FontForge was a bit too cavalier about guessing how big serifs were. Caused
problems when autokerning a fraktur font. (FontForge thought it had huge
serifs when it had none).
Direction (Clockwise, counterclockwise, correct) menu items are now greyed
out if the selected path is open.
New OpenVms patches from Jacob Jansen.
Update unicode database to 3.2
FontForge will now open a ttf/otf font that contains only bitmap strikes
FontForge will now read NFNT resources (old mac bitmaps)
FontForge will import NFNT resources
Fixed a number of problems with loading and saving bdf files
Did not understand that the "ENCODING" keyword could take two values if the
first were -1
Added unencoded glyphs at the wrong encoding (I know that sounds like an
oxymoron. I assign them an encoding, and I did it badly).
If a font name were not one of the X Logical Font Names then fontforge might
fail to give the font a familyname or a fontname. This caused more problems
when generating a new bdf file.
Revert Glyph is now undoable
Fixed a crash when pressing return in the font display of a bitmap font.
Display the name of references near the top of the reference in the outline
char view.
Took the width display off the info line and did it as hints are displayed.
Menus now respond to Home and End key events.
I have changed the calling conventions for the ExpandStroke scripting command
to reflect the height ratio value that is now needed.
Holding down the Alt (Meta) key when using the freehand tool will now close
the path.
The Generate Fonts dlg will now display an appropriate bitmap fontname if
"No Outline Font" is selected.
I think I've got the wacom stuff working now. FreeHand tool now takes options.
Oops. Can't use Alt-Shift for menus (it's treated as a mnemonic) use
Alt-Ctl-Shift instead.
Reorganized the prefs dlg.
Made FontInfo non-modal.
Added a default icon for all fontforge's windows & dlgs.
Fixed a problem where FontForge still picked bad fonts sometimes.
Typo in format spec for character windows
At Werner's suggestion:
The Transform dlg now preserves hints in the undo
Added an indication of which layer was active
Added an indication on the title bar that a character was changed
Added a Revert Glyph command
The location of the advance width pops up on the info line when the cursor
moves over the advance width
changed the Set Width command to get the right default value.
There were some layout problems in the char info dlg.
Redid the configuration for mac os/x. I've just upgraded to the new developers'
tools and that fixed a lot of problems.
If the fontview were only one line high FontForge would not scroll to the
selected character properly.
Adobe has released a new version of their glyph naming conventions. In particular
they provide names for code points outside of the bmp. Danilo Sagan points
out that they also allow for alternate glyph names. (specified in the
Remove the PFAEDIT_PI1 environment variable.
Cut and Paste bug fixed when clearing metadata.
Harald Harders provides a patch to allow SetItalicAngle to deal with real
Vadim Belman provides a patch to keep Element->MetaFont from crashing
when applied to spaces.
Bringing up the preference dlg would segfault if there were arguments specified
for autotrace.
Put in a hack so that the environment variable PFAEDIT_PI1 controls whether
U+03D6 is named "pi1" (as Unicode suggests it ought to be) or "omega1" (as
Adobe has said it should be).
Follow riggle's suggestion and use the shell command "open" (on a Mac) to
bring up a browser window.
Harald Harders points out that UniqueID needs to be in both the font and
the Private dictionaries in a PostScript font.
And provides access to UniqueID from the scripting language.
More fixes for TeX sfd files.
Changed the Simplify More command to bring up a dlg giving the user control
over what errors Simplify More is allowed to induce.
Bug in import image with non-latin1 fontnames
New Russian ui translation
Merge fonts didn't work well with CID keyed fonts
Fixed yet another problem with notdef generation.
Fixed yet crash in sfddiff.
Using Font Info to convert to SJIS didn't work.
Merge fonts had problems when both fonts were CID keyed.
Generate a unicode encoding subtable even when generating a CJK encoding
Added a preference item to allow user to specify whether s/he would rather
read in the unicode or the cjk encoding subtable.
Two new tools in the outline character view.
A hand tool -- for scrolling around
A freehand tool -- for having fontforge try to fit splines to a hand drawn
MergeFonts was broken from scripts.
New Russian UI from Valek.
Another remove overlap fix from KANOU.
Added code to invoke Internet Explorer (or an Mac App) on the Mac (so pressing
F1 should actually load some help on the mac now).
Fixed random crash in font generation dialog
PS->TTF conversion tried to force splines in cases where it could not.
Improved behavior of Remove Overlap. Fix inspired by Kanou.
Added a "Find Intersections" command, a variant of remove overlap that stops
after it finds the intersections. I think this half of the job has no major
If a single point is in the clipboard, then FontForge will also export the
clipboard as STRING, giving the coordinates of the point. This is to make
it easier to refer to the point.
KDE has the lovely habit of losing some resize events when in continuous
resize mode. So I've tweaked the fontview resize code so that it is less
dependent on individual events.
Added a mode where the user can choose between whether the font shown in
the fontview should be scaled so that the em fits in the space provided (this
is the old behavior) or so that the bounding box does.
Rewrote the knife tool so that it cuts at the end rather than as it goes
along. I think this is easier to use.
Bug in the generation of format=2 truetype encoding tables (used for CJK
Png reading failed on greyscale images with an alpha channel
Png now reads mono images as mono.
make install (via libtool) didn't work if "." weren't in the PATH.
GenerateFamily() scripting command had a number of problems.
The "Apple" checkbox was sometimes (incorrectly) invisible in the Generate
Font/Family dialogs
Minor improvements to the "Insert Character" dialog (to match
Minor tweak to text fields
More configuration changes
Problems when reading an sfd with references to cleaned up characters.
Removed code from ttf generation that check for points of inflection (but
fixed a couple of bugs in it before doing that).
Change the way scripting GenerateFamily behaves. One person has already been
unable to figure out how to use it, and I agree that it didn't make much
sense the way I had it.
Change the default configuration process to use dynamic libaries
Added "configure.static" which will configure for static libaries (On Mac
OS/X the compiler gets internal compiler errors if asked to generate pic
Enable reading a straight ttf file out of a .bin or .hqx wrapper (ie. doesn't
need to be in a resource fork)
The Kern Pairs dlg did not show Hebrew/Arabic right to left. Fixed
Added a popup menu to Kern Pairs which will allow you to reset a kern pair
Added a way to configure the font family used for info messages in the outline
and bitmap character views.
New man pages which use the macros supported by Sun. Thanks to R. P. Channing
Initial version of Mac Family (FOND) generation
Fix old sfds so that their bad pngs will become bitmaps
optimize the fix to draw magnified.
Verbose addition to scripting broke loops
Various changes to make utf8/ucs2 selections work properly with other programs
Hebrew/Arabic drag and drop could cause crashes
The Increment right side bearing command (Metrics->Set RBearing) set the
width to the value rather than incrementing by that value.
Fixes for the local encoding being utf8
Imported bitmap pngs still were seen as indexed
Problems drawing magnified images when the scale factor was 100%
Updated French and Japanese UI translations
Use LC_CTYPE (rather than LC_MESSAGES) to determine the current local encoding
If the width line were selected then FontForge would sometimes snap cursor
movements to an arbitrary x-value (often the axis)
KANOU provided a patch which fixes some remove overlap problems.
I had broken the generation of pure bitmap sfnts from scripts (7-Sept)
Added a verbose mode to scripts (prints script to stdout as it is executed).
Tweaked metrics view so that null kerning now displays as an empty string
rather than "0"
If a font contained a kerning pair to a character that was omitted when saving
the sfd file, then loading that font would leave it in a bad state and eventually
cause a crash. Fixed on both ends (don't generate bad sfds any more, and
can deal with them properly when found)
Improved the "Insert Character" dialog a bit.
More work on Ik format files
Redid UI for Auto Width/Kern to make it easier for cyrillic/greek users to
kern their alphabets.
Changed so that CJK encodings will attempt to map directly to a CJK font
(rather than going through unicode) when displaying in the fontview.
Added a command to join paths
KANOU points out that support for mimetype cut/paste (11-Sept) broke cut/paste
in scripting.
KANOU supplied a patch for the knife tool.
KANOU points out that IsVisible didn't work properly if passed a NULL point
(it should never be passed a NULL pointer, but if it is no reason not to
work correctly).
KANOU points out that the UniqueID for ttf files used a bad date.
Had the wrong MS language ID for hungarian
Some of Luc Devroye's fonts contain a "div" in the FontMatrix. ATM doesn't
support this, but it is easy enough to accept. Still don't support a full
expression there, just a div.
If we read in a gsf font and then generated postscript from that, we weren't
able to read in the result.
Added an empty glyph-encoding sub-table to mac FONDs
Save multiple postscript did not save the first sub-font
The second count in BeginChars could be wrong in an sfd file (FontForge doesn't
care, but I suppose some program might).
Add support for local encoding being UTF-8. Prefs now has an option to try
and figure out the encoding from the locale
Display filenames in the local encoding.
There was an erroneous test in simplify which caused FontForge to complain
about an internal error when in truth all was well.
There was a bad test in dumpbdf
Export will now allow the user to generate png files (if s/he's got the png
It is possible to invoke Export from a script
Added a menu in textfields (right mouse button)
Added support for STRING_UTF8 selections
Added support for "image/png", "image/bmp", "image/eps",
"text/plain;charset=ISO-10646-UCS-2", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"
(two image format)
(one format for reading spline data)
(two more ways of expressing unicode text data)
Added support for UTF8 in display/print dlg imports.
Added support for loading Ikarus .IK font files
Fixed a divide by zero problem when generating ttfs
If you type into the Kern Pairs dlg, it will now scroll to the pairs associated
with the character you typed.
Display crashed on systems without freetype
my xfig reader didn't handle arcs
Merge fonts and Interpolate fonts didn't merge/interpolate kerning pairs
The ruler tool will give the length of a spline if applied between the spline's
Made FontForge a little smarter about when to change the xuid field.
Added a dlg to display fonts using freetype.
Added support for the obsolete _XFREE86_GLYPH_RANGES property and then turned
it off by default.
Improvements to type2 output.
Changed greek accents to use 0x384 rather than 0x30d when substituting for
I've found another case where Apple and MS/Adobe disagree on the format of
ttf/otf files. So there's now a check box in the Generate dlg which allows
you to select between the two defns. I've removed the two different kinds
of bitmaps for ttf files, these are now controlled by this new checkbox too.
FontForge would sometimes in otf files generate curves which should have
been done as lines.
macbinary resource output broke when I fixed straight resource output the
other day.
When a grid line was a line but expressed with control points, then fontforge
would get very confused about how to snap to it.
Fixed a bug in the generation of ttf/otf fonts with big5/sjis/wansung encodings.
The ligature dlg had a bad habit of crashing.
On the Mac, Obliqued fonts are stored in a weird postscript format. Try to
support them
When in no-x mode, fontforge did not notice any arguments (except -script).
It will now notice -version, -usage and -help.
The PS Names check box would be visible when generating otf fonts. It should
not have been.
If a font contained multiple encodings for the same character, then generating
an otf font from it would crash fontforge.
There is now a proper french translation of the ui (Merci Pierre Hanser!)
Under cygwin, FontForge would fail to find internet explorer/netscape (because
not in user's path) and if it did find them would try to invoke them with
a cygwin style name (ie. /usr/local/share/doc/fontforge/overview.html rather
than c:\cygwin\usr/local/share/doc/fontforge/overview.html )
Added a preference item to allow you to control whether a mapping file from
glyph ids to character names is produced along with ttf and otf fonts.
Added an #ifdef to an include file to make it work when built without X11
Making a font be a cid-keyed font might screw up all other fontviews and
lead to crashes.
type1 cid keyed fonts got the wrong fontmatrix if the em-size was something
other than 1000. Doesn't seem to make a difference though, we still get bad
output for emsize!=1000
got maxp.numGlyphs wrong for otf cid-keyed fonts which lacked a .notdef character
Added a check to make sure fontnames are less than 63 characters. Needed
for ATM.
format 2 Coverage tables (used by GPOS and GSUB tables (kerning & ligatures
for otf)) were being generated incorrectly. This meant that windows would
refuse to read my otf files which had complex kerning. (presumably complex
ligs, but I had no test cases). The mac printer driver has also had problems
with my otf files. This may be why.
Added a popup to the kern pair dlg to tell user how many kern pairs there
are, and how many characters start kern pairs.
Merge and Elide were backwards
And merge (simplify) had problems when a desired spline at the same slope
at the start and end (or something like that).
Added a field to Review Hints showing the total number of hints, flag for
h/vstem3, ability to move points associated with hint when moving hint. also
added a hot key for it.
Added a Find Problem to detect things which are almost but not quite h/vstem3
AutoHint wasn't finding all the ghost hints it should have.
Put in (what I hope is) a better way of detecting extraneous hints (the hypen
case. At first sight the hstem and vstem appear equally valid) remove hints
which are wider than they are long.
More fixes from KANOU for cid fonts
The scale to em checkbox only (sort of) worked if the emsize increased. Fix
from KANOU
Autohint could go into an infinite loop on characters containing a 0-length
Problem with cff name table fix of 27-Aug
bdf fonts were loaded into background by default
Scripting problem loading bitmap fonts into background.
Further attempts to fix the fact that FontForge in some ways does not believe
that monospaced ttf files are monospaced.
Problems with endif
Redid the Find Problems dialog by adding tabs so that related problems are
grouped together.
Added a problem which will report advance widths which do not match some
standard value.
CID keyed generation was broken again by the (failed) attempt to make things
work with FontLab (18-Aug)
cff name table could be off by 1 if there were a real notdef character
Added ability to display blue zones in outline view.
Broke cid-keyed otf generation on 27 July when I enabled the [Stop] button.
Fix by KANOU.
Bringing up progress indicator early (20 August) broke scripting without
Added ability to load a font protected by fstype=2 to a scripting (extra
argument to open).
Enhanced print abilities.
Added ability to Print to scripting.
Attempt to fix the fact that windows doesn't recognize my monospaced ttf
fonts as monospace.
FontForge could be confused by strange values of Ascent in the hhea table
Added a Round to Int option to the transform dialogs
Added ability to change the em-size (and rescale the font) to fontinfo
Under KDE my tools palettes are made too wide and without borders. That's
ok until they get reparented (docked). Added code in the docking routines
to fix these problems.
May have fixed a race condition problem due to reparented windows under freebsd.
TeX sfd files are a little more complicated than I had originally thought,
the parser is now more general.
FontForge sometimes thought some X fonts had iso8859-1 encoding when they
did not.
cleaned up some problems with encodings
Added support for TeX (actually MetaFont) gf files
RLE background images sometimes showed up inverted (with background color
as foreground & vice versa)
The Fit in window command should now take docked palettes into consideration.
Added a Japanese translation of the UI, courtesy of KANOU Hiroki.
Added the ability to run
on a .mf font, generate a gf file,
autotrace the gf file, and leave you with a font based on an mf file.
Menus now do pointer grabs.
Fixed a bug in generating PostScript resource file fonts on Mac OS/X
Added a dlg to show all kern pairs (and another to show all ligatures)
Added a "Find Problems" item to check for missing bitmaps.
Put in some warnings to the ttf parser for bad cmap and glyf tables
FontForge was still having trouble about loading space bitmaps (that had
been generated with freetype).
FontForge did not set the flag indicating manual hinting after changes by
Review Hints or Create Hint. Should be set now.
Various small tweaks to the pfa/pfb output because FontLab doesn't like what
we currently do. Probably none will make much difference.
The Print command would attempt to print characters outside the encoding
of type1 fonts. This did not work well.
The autowidth command got very confused when given a sans-serif script to
autowidth when the Latin characters in the font were serifed.
The Print sample text is now ordered so that the language specified in the
LANG environment variable comes first in the list.
Added $version
FontForge will now read scripts from stdin if you follow the "-script" argument
with "-".
Valek points out the using CharInfo to change a character's color did not
change it until the fontview was refreshed
Expand Stroke had problems when intersections bent the wrong way.
I've decided to encourage use of the mailing
lists for reporting bugs. A feeble attempt to cut down on the spam I
get by removing my e-mail address from the site.
Bug in the dlg asking for the resolution of a bdf font. The second (and
subsequent) time(s) it came up it would have a good chance of never going
away again, and potentially crashing FontForge into the bargain. (number
of other bugs here too)
If the postscript "FontName" contained a hyphen then any generated BDF fonts
would have invalid X fontnames (they hyphen would be included which would
throw the name parsing off by one hyphen).
Greg Ford points out that generating a bdf font and then loading it back
in will often change the fontname. This is because the fontname is not actually
stored in bdf files. I've added a FONT_NAME property to the bdf fonts I generate.
FontForge が SFD ファイルに格納された各ビットマップの最初のビットマップ文字を忘れてしまうことがたまにありました。お手持ちの全ての SFD ファイルを確認して、スペースや感嘆符などのビットマップ文字が欠けていないかどうかご確認ください。おそらく 6 月 11 日にこのバグが持ち込まれたと思います。
After yesterday's fix textfields ignored backspaces
More work on the metrics lines. There's now a dlg to control which ones get
FontInfo would sometimes crash after adding ttf names.
Added minimal ability to dock palettes into their respective views.
Added a way of looking at the fontview where there are now holes in the font
(ie. a compacted view where every cell contains a glyph). This is just another
encoding, but people have been asking for it and it is slightly easier to
get to than normal reencoding of a font. Note: It has no defined relationship
to the glyph array in a ttf file.
The 21-July autowidth/kern change broke autowidth/kern scripting.
And the serif detection failed if the character I did not reach the baseline.
FontForge read RGB png files incorrectly.
FontForge used to bring up most dialogs underneath the cursor. Now it only
does that if the focus is set to FocusFollowsMouse, and otherwise centers
FontForge now will draw metrics lines in the fontview if you want it to.
FontForge remembers what outline character views were open when a font was
saved (as an sfd file) and will automagically reopen them when you next load
that font.
View->Find In Font View
command to the outline character
view. Will scroll the fontview to display the current character.
Textfields within FontForge ignored the numeric keypad
Yesterday's resize fix didn't quite work
Try to improve conversion of cubic to quadratic spline (actually, we make
the conversion worse, but it probably helps rasterizers not to have points
quite so close together).
Some more work on the TTF style name
Failed to read ttf fontnames properly for some dfonts (probably some ttc
files as well)
Didn't position references by point matching properly (when loading from
removed some debugging code inadvertently left in after the rle fix.
Added support for X Input Methods (to do CJK character
input properly)
This only works if X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING is defined -- an XFree 4.0.2 extension
(ie. not on solaris)
Added a possible fix to a resizing problem for some window managers.
Added CIDFlattenByCMap function to scripting.
Fixed a couple of problems found by
Applied a patch from KANOU Hiroki. PasteInto did not work.
Added run length encoding compression to sfd files (for background images).
Bitmap image sizes are much smaller now.
FontForge failed to recognize that a PNG black and white image was monochrome.
Now FontForge will immediately put up the progress indicator when loading
the first font (so the user has something to look at)
A little more work on generate multiple.
Removed a confusing message about autohinting a font for which no autohinting
was actually done (it was just checking to see if it needed to).
Oops. Windows won't accept a ttf file if there is no name table entry with
the same platform/specific entries as those in the cmap.
If a character contained a reference to a blank character that FontForge
decided wasn't worth outputting, then the truetype composite for it would
not work.
The standard format for the ttf "version" name is different from the equivalent
postscript name. Added code to interconvert between the two rather than expecting
them to be the same.
Added a gasp table for when there was no hinting.
Pressing the [Filter] button on a blank field will show the current filter
text (holding the mouse over the [Filter] button will cause a popup to appear
with the same info).
If there were know selection the pressing an arrow key would presume that
the selection was at encoding -1, which caused strange behavior. Now we will
pretend that the selection is visible and halfway down the screen.
Oops. CMap files allow for multiple encodings for the same glyph. Now prepared
to put in refs.
Oops. Generate multiple had several problems (couldn't handle encodings above
0x80000000, was surprised by empty font numbers, etc.)
If a family name contained a space then only the first word in it would be
read out of an sfd file
Oops. I was calling TeX sfd files Sub Font Directories and their proper name
was Sub Font Definition.
Enabled the [Stop] button in the progress dlg when saving a font.
FontForge would go into an infinite loop when reading one of its sfd files
when it was expecting a TeX sfd file. Fixed, and put in guards so that won't
happen anyway.
Added two new menu commands "Flatten to CMap" and "Convert By CMap". These
will use one of Adobe's CMap files to guide the Flattening/Converting process
(rather than one of my cidmap files)
Added support for some really large encodings if they have almost equally
large gaps in them (use adobe's "coderange" data to manage a sparce array).
If we could not find any style modifiers in a fontname, then we used to claim
that the style was "Regular". I think it is better if we claim that it is
/Width (ie. whatever is in the FontInfo /Width entry) and if that isn't set
then return "Regular")
Added support for Werner's (TeX's) Sub Font Definition files which provide
a way of splitting up a 2 byte encoding into lots of little pfb fonts with
256 characters in each.
Normally in a ttf font, FontForge generates a 'post' table with the names
of all the characters in it. I've just added a way to make it generate a
short 'post' table with no character names.
FontForge generates bad truetype hints. There is now a way to turn these
off in the Generate Font dlg.
Code for finding the style still not working as it should.
Oops, the postscript parser was over-zealous about generating warnings.
Oops, the code which interprets results from autotrace was over-zealous on
getting rid of contours in small images.
SetUnicodeValue did not behave as it should have.
Made acorn2sfd a little sturdier.
Bitmap copies didn't work from the font view (probably broke when I added
anti-aliased support)
Crash bug introduced yesterday by the duplicate name work.
Initial version of acorn2sfd -- a program
to convert Acorn RISC/OS font directories into sfd files.
If a font is loaded from a ttf file, then it will have both postscript and
ttf versions of certain names stored (family, copyright, version, etc.).
The postscript names are obviously displayed, but changing them would not
change the ttf versions. So generating a ttf font and then looking at it
would still show the old setting of the name. The two should be better
synchronized now.
Introduced a crash yesterday if a postscript font contained an name in an
encoding vector which was not defined in the font.
More work on duplicate names. I no longer append a ".<number>" to the
end of duplicate entries and when generating fonts I remove them and generate
an encoding with has multiple references to the base glyph. Which is what
I should have been doing.
Small improvements to the style name detector.
If the Width field was a null string, then reading it from an sfd file caused
us to thing the next keyword was the width.
Fixed a bug in the display of menus.
Various small bugs in build accented characters
On the mac the filenames for mac resource fonts are different from same fonts
elsewhere (elsewhere they have an additional ".bin"). Made either extension
work from a script file (so they can work cross platform).
Expand Stroke had problems with curved splines where the slope at one of
the end-points was 0/0. Since this will happen by default when joining a
corner point to a curved point this should have been a frequent occurrence.
Bug in generating 'post' table if glyph 0 existed but was not .notdef.
Postscript fonts with one glyph going to multiple encodings cause problems.
Now both PS and TTF load will have consistent names in the above case.
My presumption of how symbol encodings were stored under MicroSoft was wrong.
It is not a one byte encoding, it is a map into the private/corporate use
area of unicode. 0xf000-0xf0ff. Changed to deal with that.
Loading a font with mac roman encoding often generated a font of 65536 characters
(rather than 256+a few extras). Fixed.
New version of autowidth/kern. I don't think it kerns serifed fonts well,
might do ok for sans.
Ability to provide autokern with a list of potential kern pairs and have
it just check them.
Scripting support for kernpair files
AutoWidth/Kern now does a little better on serifed fonts
Correct Direction should now only set the changed bit when it actually changes
a character.
Correct Direction will now warn about flipped references, and offer you the
chance to unlink them (after which it will be able to correct their direction)
Added ability to scripting to check if a character has changed, and to get
a font's filename.
Cleaned up build accented chars a bit.
Another attempt to keep X from crashing on disappearing progress dlgs.
Maximizing the fontview could make it bigger than the screen so that the
scroll bar was unusable.
Valek points out that bitmaps generated by freetype were one pixel too high.
Changed the get info dlg for references so that the user could change the
transformation matrix.
Font Info->PS Private got the wrong value when guessing the vertical stem
FontForge did not find ghost hints for things at the numeric height.
FontForge got non-integer values for some hints where it should have found
integer values.
Bug when auto-hinting references fixed.
FontForge would find hints for things that don't need to be hinted (finding
a vertical stem for the top of "E" for instance. There is a vertical stem
there, but it is deemed irrelevant). It now finds fewer of these hints. I
hope it still finds all the legitimate ones.
I think I've finally worked out Apple's scaled offset
composite glyphs (and they do not behave
as Apple documents)
FontForge was not setting the maxCompositePoints and maxCompositeContours
fields of the maxp table of truetype fonts. This meant that in some cases
rasterizers would crash when trying to deal with characters containing many
The translation tables between unicode and johab were wrong.
FontForge failed to generate ttf fonts with big5/sjis/wansung cmaps.
Changed so that reading sjis/wansung encoded ttf files would use a sjis/wansung
encoding in fontforge (rather than the 94x94 encoding that no one but me
seems to understand).
Bug in generating ttf fonts with embedded bitmaps.
Open Font dlg will now try again if it can't load a valid font.
Started working on a
testsuite, and what do you know? I found some bugs...
Scripting had problems when user preference was set to ask for bdf resolution.
Generate() scripting built in now takes an optional resolution argument
Problems generating the vertical metrics tables in cid keyed otf fonts
Problems working with cid-keyed fonts in scripts if fontforge could not find
the requisite cidmap file
Fixed various problems with parsing EPS files, and extended the vocabulary
a little.
If the ".notdef" character was whitespace (as it is for most postscript fonts)
then generating a ttf font would produce an entry for glyph 0 that both flint
and NT consider to be erroneous, while freetype and windows think it's fine.
Fixed so that Flint no longer complains.
the fontview could get confused about matching short names with periods in
them against the standard postscript unicode names, so it could think that
"b.0" matched "bracketleft". This caused some confusion in the display.
A couple more vms patches
Merged in Jouk Jansen changes for OpenVMS
Valek wanted to be able to add comments to characters and to flag characters
with some visible mark. The Char Info dlg
has been extended to do this. The scripting language has been extended to
allow scripts to set and test these too.
Added a "foreach selected character in the font" loop.
Added $selection variable to return the current selection as an array
Extended the Select() and SelectMore() commands to accept an array as an
argument (and set the selection to the array).
Yesterday's unicode sprintf change introduced another bug. Fixed
Valek points out that if you have a bitmap only font and you attempt
simultaneously to scale it and delete all the bitmaps, then FontForge would
crash. (Same thing would happen if you just removed all the bitmaps).
Valek provided some additional russian translations.
Ttf fonts seem to be unhappy if they contain a glyph with a single contour
and a single point on that contour. I don't know why. Output all such as
Added ability to set the resolution of a bdf font.
Rearranged preferences.
Added scripting access to Force-Encoding
FontForge memory allocation optimizations didn't work if sizeof(int *)==8
Bug in unicode sprintf routine when sizeof(long)==8
In some cases when reading a ttf font with a (unicode) cmap which assigned
one glyph to two encodings, and if that glyph happened to be in the
AdobeStandardEncoding, then when converting to Type1 FontForge would create
a dictionary which recursively seac-ed (invoked) itself. This caused an infinite
loop in GhostView, and crashed some printers.
CID fix on 3 June was wrong, it broke all non-CID keyed postscript fonts
(it did work for CID fonts). Both should work now.
Added better support for bdf foundries and for bdf copyrights.
Added a preference item to specify the ttf VendorID (foundry). Used to truncate
the bdf foundry to 4 characters.
Small bug fix in print
Cleaned up bug in scripting ($bitmaps)
Fixed some more CID font problems
Tweaked behavior of FamilyName/FullName in GetFontInfo dlg.
FontForge now supports greymap strikes in truetype files
The bitmap editor has been extended to handle greymap (anti-aliased) fonts
There is no longer a separate mechanism for generating greymap files from
the Generate Font dlg, instead they may be added to the font database file
with the bitmap dlg.
Added support for vertical metrics in bdf files.
Fixed some problems in moving the vwidth line in outline character views
Added some default window positioning code.
Oops, more bug fixes for the new greymap format.
One more attempt to solve the X Server bug where destroying/unmapping a window
before its map notify event gets processed causes the X server to crash.
Stopped using my extension to bdf to make it support greymaps and started
using that supported by freetype (removed the BITSPERPIXEL keyword and added
an extra argument to the SIZE keyword).
More fixes for cid fonts
Font Info will prompt user about changing the UniqueID/XUID if the font name
is changed without changing them.
Fixed some Mac configuration problems.
FontForge would not compile when trying to used libjpeg as a static library
(as on Mac OS/X)
Use psili rather than koronis where appropriate
It was not possible to select the ellipse/star tool from the tools palette.
Made fontforge work without X (ie. the scripting engine can be linked without
requiring that X be present. Possibly useful for Mac OS/X, Cygwin)
When showing what a greek accented character will be built from, the character
info dlg will now show the non-unicode alternate whether or not the characters
needed exist in the font.
The Reference Info dlg will now include the unicode value of the referenced
The positioning of ypogegrammeni with respect to eta was broken (again)
Some more greek fixes.
Various fixes for greek accented characters
FontForge would crash when attempting to Flatten a CID keyed font (introduced
16-Apr with the multiple fontview support)
FontForge did not process panose information correctly (broken 21-Jan, comment
FontForge did not create new ttf names properly when they were for a language
which had not been used before in the font.
Oops. Adobe describes two naming conventions for ligatures and I only supported
one of them. I should support the other one now.
Fixed a number of bugs caused by custom encodings.
If the selection in the font view contained either "dotlessi" or "dotlessj"
and the Element menu was pulled down then the dotless characters would be
created from their dotted variants (you didn't even have to select anything
from the menu) (broken 24-Feb-2002)
FontForge had trouble reading non-empty ttf glyphs with 0 contours.
FontForge failed to read images from an sfd file without a transparent colour
Allow parens in familyname in the fontinfo dlg.
When the width was selected, depressing a mouse button would snap the logical
pointer location to a random x coordinate (often 0).
When generating a ttf file from a subfont of a CID keyed font fontforge would
crash. This has been fixed.
When exiting with multiple font views looking at one (changed) font, there
would be no prompt to save the font.
Added a Find/Replace feature
BDF fonts did not mark the missing (.notdef, undefined, etc.) character properly.
otf fonts had the default and normative widths reversed on output
Added marginally better support for non-latin ligatures in GPOS/GSUB tables.
Added support for arabic forms in the GSUB table (ie. we now produce 'init',
'medi', 'fina', and 'isol' features)
Build composite should now note whether arabic ligatures are
<initial>, <final>, <medial> or <isolated>
It is now possible to have multiple font views looking at one font. I expect
this will be a rich source of bugs, especially for CID keyed fonts.
Under KDE we could get two textfields flashing cursors (thinking they had
focus) should be fixed.
Added Undo/Redo to metricsview
Added Undo/Redo to fontview
Added Element menu to metricsview
Added [Fix] button to (some of) Find Problems
Applied various patches from KANOU Hiroki
Changes to metricsview
Fixed some minor bugs
Double clicking on a character will open that character
Enabled Copy/(CopyRef/CopyWidth/)Paste but not Cut
FontForge had problems when there were exactly two X resources.
Made the Point Info dlg wider.
Improved printing text samples at large point sizes.
I was generating flex hints incorrectly.
Extended postscript interpreter slightly to recognize the eps files (called
"art") produced by fontographer
Additions to the scripting language
AutoWidth (from Andreas Påhlsson)
The Expand Stroke fix for 4-Mar-2001 was too extreme.
Added a field to Char Info that shows the components out of which this character
(accented, ligature, hangul syllable, etc.) may be built.
Various scrollbar enhancements
thumb now has a bigger minimum size
fontview/charview both respond to page up and page down requests
right mouse button may be used to position thumb
Installed James A. Crippen makefile patch so that distclean reports success
even if there are no files to clean.
FontForge had problems guessing default ligatures for characters outside
of BMP.
In the outline character view, double clicking with one of the point tools
(curve, corner, tangent, pen) will add a point and then bring up a
Point Info dialog
If you edit in a textfield (so that the mouse pointer vanishes) and then
tabbed into another text field the mouse pointer would never reappear.
Merge Fonts left memory in a bad state and would often cause a crash.
Merge Fonts used a string for a title which was ascii when unicode was expected.
This could cause strange characters to be displayed.
More fixes for build accented characters (for inverted breve and Oslash).
Nifty. The modifier keys auto-repeat under cygwin (if Control is down one
gets a series of Press/Release, Press/Release... while normal X just gives
one Press.) This meant we'd keep refreshing the tools palette, which meant
an annoying flicker and slowed things down.
Raise the palettes after a resize
FontForge didn't handle 8bit colormaps well. I've improved the behavior,
and added an x resource to give the user some control over behavior.
Oops. I broke CID-keyed postscript input (ie. none-otf) when I added the
6-Mar fix for type1utils
Applied another patch from KANOU Hiroki, on otf cid support
Added a new program, sfddiff, to compare fonts
and show their differences.
Small change to the format of cidmap files (to bring names into conformance
with adobe's spec on modified unicode names), and corresponding changes to
a few routines.
Add support for the type1 format produced by GNU type1utils. Which is vaguely
like that used by ghostview.
Fixed more problems with reading eps files (these were mostly within Expand
Stroke, so presumably also problems with Element->Expand Stroke)
And one more problem with the file chooser.
Scripting additions:
Ability to generate a pfm file from script
Ability to Merge Kerning Info from a script
Ability to Remove All Kerning info from a script
Will now display something useful for rotated and italic cids
Fixed a number of problems involved in reading in eps files.
28-Feb Mac work introduced a bug in the file picker dlg (in wildcarding).
Rounding errors could accumulate when generating Type1 fonts.
Fix for some overlap problems due to KANOU Hiroki
If FontForge crashed (or was interrupted) after making some (unsaved) changes
to a font, and that font was subsequently deleted, the FontForge's autorecovery
would complain about a missing file each time it was started. Now it will
notice the problem and ask whether it should delete the recovery file (whereupon
it will stop complaining).
Enabled a fix from Greg Ford so that FontForge set the mac style bits
When running under Mac OS/X FontForge is now able to open/create mac resource
I may have fixed a bug displaying images on solaris screens with bit depth
Cleaned up a problem with the postscript name table (in a ttf file) when
there was a .notdef character
Fixed some problems with references when reading in truetype.
Substr() did not work when given three arguments
$bitmaps (returns an array of all bitmap sizes rasterized for the current
Changed the FontInfo dlg to give direct access to the postscript names rather
than trying to build the fontname out of family and modifiers.
Added the ability to create an encoding which is any given plane of unicode
(ie BMP is plane 0, SMP is plane 1, SIP is plane 2...)
Fixed a bug in Revert
More work on hints.
Build Composite will now build a dotlessi from an "i" (and same for dotlessj)
Made Shift-Arrow keys move along italic axis.
$argv didn't work in scripting. (broken when I added arrays)
Bugs in the generation of MacRoman encoding tables in ttf output (introduced
The Goto Dlg sometimes didn't notice Returns (ie. OK button wasn't always
Some linear splines were not noticed as such.
Cancelling the Point Info dlg would leave minimum distance hints in a bad
Using Undo also left the MD hints wonky
added $fontchanged to scripting
Added SaveAll menu item in font view.
Sometimes the underlines for accelerators didn't print in the menu (depended
on what FontForge thought the screen resolution was).
Added a new minimum distance hint for serifs of diagonal stems.
Fixed a bug where some extra serif stems were hinted.
Created a "Select" submenu of the edit menu in the outline view. Moved
Edit->Select All, View->Next Point, View->Prev Point into it.
Added Deselect All, Select Next Control Point, Select Prev Control Point,
Select First Point, Select Width, Select VWidth
It is now possible to select the width (right bearing) line and move it with
the arrow keys or transform dlg (or to move points and the width line
concurrently). VWidth too.
Added variables with global and font scope to Scripting.
Yet another bug in the new simplify/merge code
Cleaned up unicode range names a bit more.
Changed the Goto Character dialog so that it will now (for two/four byte
encodings) display a list of unicode ranges which are in the font and allow
you to go to a range by name.
Made it possible to copy and paste the left and right side bearings (from
menus and scripts)
My TrueType parser will now read cmap subtable formats 8,10 and 12 (the 4
byte encoding tables) and will produce format 12 subtables for full unicode
Cleaned up various encoding problems.
Fixed display of SJIS.
Added better commentary on unicode outside of BMP
Cleaned up the spec file
In pfb files subroutines for references didn't work if the first thing called
was untranslated.
The arrow keys can be used to move a control point.
Added sjis and Wansung encodings
Used freetype for a couple of other things (generating gdf files and exporting
Textfields didn't respond to middle button clicks (to paste the primary
FontForge would sometimes fail to exit properly if you brought up a script
Added a --version command line option.
Fixed another bug in generating postscript.
Added a user defined print command option to the print dlg.
Fixed a bug in Simplify/Merge
Fixed a bug in loading integer resources
Cleaned up the help command line option.
FontForge will now use freetype (if available) to generate bitmaps for the
fonts (results are much better).
It still does its own rasterizing for the fontview (there's a lot of overhead
involved with freetype, and this needs to be fastish)
Made the Generate Font dlg settings sticky across invocations of fontforge.
FontForge would crash when generating a PostScript font from ARIAL.TTF.
Changed the bitmap dlgs so that they allow you to specify some control over
interesting screen resolutions. (before just support X standard res. of 75
and 100, now support MS 96&120 and Mac 72).
Oops, Apple now documents that the bdat and bloc tables should have version
number 0x20000. But when I last looked it said 0x10000 and that didn't work.
Put the docs in their own rpm file.
I think I've figured out how Apple does asian bitmaps now. They don't use
NFNTs at all (or they do, but those NFNT are tiny stubs with no real data
in them). All the data are in the sfnt. I should produce them properly now.
-- Except I don't.
I've also added the ability to create bitmap only sfnts for the mac.
-- Which also isn't recognized by the mac.
Made it possible for scripts to generate bitmaps without generating an outline
Fixed some problems loading bitmaps from ttf files.
Fixed some problems loading bitmaps from anything...
Allowed importation of eps files from the font view (to the extent that I
can parse eps files, that is)
Oops, scripting didn't support importation of pcf files.
Sometimes popup windows (tool tips) would show up with nothing in them. That
should be fixed now.
Added icons for pcf files
Started work on 32 bit unicode.
Oops. Scripting handled the calligraphic pen angle incorrectly.
Put something into the about box.
Oops. FontForge was misusing the type1 "seac" command in some cases. I had
not realized that the character being built needed to have the same width
as the base (non-accent) character. This has been fixed.
When using the charinfo dlg to change the name of a char, and that name was
in use, and you cancelled the dlg after being warned about it then FontForge
would crash (it would muck up memory).
FontForge wasn't always calling subroutines (in postscript) when a character
was in a subr.
FontForge will now read in X11 pcf font files (they can be compressed, if
so FontForge will decompress them first).
Bug in wildcard processing for file chooser window.
Nifty! SUSE ships some greek (bitmap) fonts with iso8859-1 encodings rather
than iso8859-7. FontForge is now alert and when it sees a bitmap font with
foundary "greek" and encoding "iso8859-1" it will pretend it has encoding
FontForge got confused by some fonts produced by Should be fixed.
Build Composite Characters will now check the user defined ligature string
to see what characters to use to build a ligature.
Conversion tables between JIS0201 (Katakana) and Unicode were wrong. KANOU
Hiroki provided correct ones.
Oops. I'd left diagonal stems enabled in ttf generation. Caused problems.
Disabled now.
More work on accented characters.
Sped up background image drawing (finally)
Added a menu of commonly used scripts which the user can specify with the
preference dlg.
Oops. Generate command in scripting language only generated pfb fonts
FontForge would get confused if it loaded a font from a script when running
with windows. Eventually it would crash, but perhaps not until you exited.
$cidfontname, $cidfamilyname, $cidfullname
$weight, $copyright
$cidweight, $cidcopyright
Removed $cidname (replaced with $cidfontname)
Added a Call... button to the execute script dlg to allow you to insert a
call to a script file easily
Added a way to scale dlgs in different languages.
Fixed a crash in merge (caused by selecting all points on a path and merging
it (to remove the path))
Improved positioning of ogonek and cedilla accents in Build Accented Character
$curcid, $nextcid, $firstcid, $cidname
Cleaned up ligature handling in char info dlg
Cleaned up array freeing in scripting.
Fixed a crash in FontInfo introduced yesterday
Import will now allow you to import background images from the font view
(and the default setting of "Background" for "pk" files has been set to true)
Added a scripting command to access
access to the postscript names of the font
access to information about individual characters
Cleaned up some display oddities in the fontview.
Added a Set Width command to the bitmap view IF there is no outline font.
Added a menu item to invoke a script
Added a "Comment" field to FontInfo. This does not correspond to any postscript
or truetype entity. It is to be used for a changelog within the sfd file
(or something similar).
Initial version of scripting.
Optimizer caused rounding errors which caused test for divide by zero to
fail leading to errors in Simplify and Merge commands.
bdf fonts with an encoding which did not itself include "-1" (or similar)
failed to get the implied "-0" added.
FontForge used to crash (sometimes anyway) if a list popup were active when
a window was destroyed.
TextFields within tabsets (like Font Info) responded to some events twice.
Bug in the new TTF hinting routines could cause a crash (and did cause glyph
programs which were erroneous)
Crash caused by long names in /etc/passwd when creating a new font
Redid fontname handling in Font Info dlg to allow URW names to pass through
Recognize "Regu" as meaning "Regular"
Only updates the fullname (human readable name) if it were previously in
Recognize "-" as starting the modifiers rather than trying to find the end
of the family name
If you don't change the family or the modifiers then fontforge will now leave
the fontname untouched
The 9 Jan metrics view fix caused crashes when changing the last character
The outline view now will display points at extrema in a different color
from other points if you want that.
Added a command to the font view to clear out the backgrounds of all selected
Fixed one more image freeing problem (see 29-Dec-2001)
bdf fixes of 9&11 Jan did not work on bdf files with character encodings
of "-1"
Fixed several bugs with ttf bitmap tables.
Added a mechanism for specifying a font inside a truetype collection from
the command line:
$ fontforge "gulim.ttc(GulimChe)"
will load the GulimChe font within the collection file.
Russian ui had an unexpected space in it which confused makenomenh. Have
fixed both (makenomenh &
Last fix to Merge made most merges return straight lines
Added an elide command which allows the slopes of the endpoints to change
Releasing the control or super key when in one of the palettes did not update
the tool cursor.
The point info dlg now comes up beside (rather than on top of) the selected
bdf "fix" of 9 Jan. lost the encoding of the font.
FontForge source included "ushort" in a couple of places. Linux must define
this but some systems don't. It has been changed to uint16 which I define.
Worked around some imaging bugs of the X server under cygwin (FontForge seems
to work under cygwin now)
Using the arrow keys to scroll only worked if something were selected. should
always work now.
The fontview now contains an indication of which characters have backgrounds
Minor improvements to merge when given an impossible problem.
destroy window fix on 2 Jan was not enough, it popped up again. Hope I've
killed it this time
FontForge had trouble reading bdf fonts that
did not have standard X font names (-vendor-family-weight-italic-...)
had the same name used for different characters
The metrics view got confused by characters with negative lbearings.
Added some Japanese (Kanji) text samples.
Fixed a bug in gdf output
Added a traditional chinese sample
In the metrics view, the kerning offset was not rescaled when the size of
the window changed.
Added a preference item to control the amount by which the arrow keys move
selected points
Changed the behavior of the grid layer so that now points will snap to any
spline in the grid layer, not just horizontal and vertical splines
Added a preference item to control this snap distance.
Added a couple new outline display sizes to the fontview
Use the "super" modifer to simulate a mouses middle button. If the super
key (the one with a windows flag on it on pc keyboards) is depressed then
any mouse click will be treated as if it were mouse button 2 that was used.
Minor improvements in truetype hinting
if a dfont (or other mac resource file) contains multiple truetype fonts,
fontforge will let you pick one (before it would read in the first and ignore
the others)
The tools palette now shows the mouse bindings.
Next/Prev control points are drawn in different colors now, and those colors
are reflected in the point get info dlg.
Merge and Simplify will now retain the slope of curve points.
Simplify will no longer remove points at the extrema of their curves (PostScript
fonts are supposed to have points at the extrema)
New command in Element menu to add
points at extrema to a spline or set of splines.
Next/Prev Point commands will shift the screen so the newly selected point
is visible.
Metrics View now allows for anti aliased character display.
Metrics View View menu was broken and was missing half its entries.
Revert Font would leave fontforge in a state where some commands would cause
a crash. Should be fixed now.
TextFields did not scroll properly with the arrow keys.
The outline and bitmap views may be scrolled with the arrow keys by holding
down either the control or meta key.
When reading a ttf file with an encoding fontforge doesn't recognize which
has some glyphs which are refered to from multiple code points, then fontforge
used to crash.
Support Menu key on windows keyboard
Use the Windows "flag" key as a modifier to indicate mouse button 2 (so if
that key is depressed, and a mouse button is pressed/released pretend it
was button2)
Copy From has been made global and sticky (each font used to have a separate
value and it got lost on exit. Now there is one global value and it is saved
in the prefs file).
Copy From now allows you to control whether a character's name should be
copied along with the glyph data (only in font view).
View->Fill should now show the current setting.
If there were background images in a glyph then changing the Show/Hide rulers
made the display wrong
In the Outline view, the character's popup box would appear if the mouse
were over the menubar. Werner thought that inappropriate.
If import bitmaps needed to expand the number of characters in a font (to
provide slots for all the bitmaps) it would fail to do so properly. Resulting
in a crash.
Hmm. There appears to be a race condition inside the XServer on my machine
and if I map a window but destroy it before I read the MapNotify (or possibly
Expose) event on the queue, then the server will calmly crash. This can happen
if a progress indicator is ended just after we decide to display it. I've
tried to work around it, but there may still be holes.
Added an "About..." menu entry to display the splash screen again
Gleep! type1 cid font generation had a couple of problems
Print Sample is now available for cid fonts.
View-AntiAlias didn't work (characters were always displayed as antialiased)
Menus made more responsive to key presses.
The Zoom In and Out commands are now centered around the selection (if there
is one, if not they continue to use center of the window)
Changed the order of entries in the Point Info dlg so that Prev is above
The Escape key can be used to deselect
New copyright notices.
TextFields had numerous display problems. Should have fewer now.
The 15 Dec image crash fix was not complete, turns out there were two memory
problems (well, two so far)
Some dialogs could show up half off the right edge of the screen. Should
not do so now.
Added a few more language samples for printing.
Bidi display didn't work when there were lots of combining letters around
Bidi printing didn't work when there was more than one line of right to left
Typing control characters to the fontview will no longer move to that character.
Typing [Return] opens selected characters
Typing [Tab] moves to next character with something in it.
Depressing the right mouse button invokes a popup menu in the fontview now.
Trying to move a control point with the mouse while simultaneously moving
the point itself with the arrow keys used to cause a crash
Selecting a bdf font which was in a bad format as a background caused a crash.
The german ui file should be in better german
fontforge would not notice that an iso10646 bdf file was unicode
Support for conversion to and from some 2 byte encodings (LocalCharset preference
sfd files store the font's encoding as a string rather than a number now
so if we add more standard encodings things won't get screwed up as they
were when we added johab.
TrueType ヒントが恐ろしいことになっていました。私はある巨大なバグを修正しました。斜行ヒントに関してはまだ問題点が残っていますし、結果は Fontgrapher ほどうまくはありませんが、今までよりは改良されています。
Some more greek fixes.
Metrics window did not handle the transition from a left -> right view
to a right->left one properly (mostly this means if you had a blank metrics
view and you put a hebrew/arabic character into it then that character was
displayed left to right).
The transform dialog in the fontview now has a checkbox which allows you
to control whether you want the background transformed in sync with the
Fixed another bug with cid fonts, this one when attempting to create such
a font in the absence of cidmap files
Fixed a bug when outputting otf cid files (bug appeared when I added vertical
When loading a cid font FontForge could get caught up in an semi-infinite
loop asking for cidmap files. Should be fixed now.
Finally got rid of the annoying warning about tempnam() when linking.
Scrollbars didn't always update in big textfields
Missed the hot key for unlink reference in the font view.
Fixed crash when clearing empty character cells
More greek accent fixes
changed character popups slightly.
Added another problem to find problems. Will now check for flipped references
(=>counter-clockwise paths most of the time)
Interesting. The EuroFont uses the endchar opcode in way that both the type1
and type2 docs claim to be illegal (it is not the last thing in the subroutine,
it is followed by a return). Since EuroFont is from adobe, I presume the
docs are wrong, so I ignore this error now. (The Adobe people insist that
the docs are right, just misleading. That the endchar is the last thing in
the subr because nothing after it gets executed. Hmm, I continue to be misled)
FontForge will be better able to figure out where hints should be active
when it reads in a postscript font.
Autohint will no longer find some erroneous hints.
Autohint will now find the serifs in Nimbus Roman
Copying a background image caused a crash at some indeterminate future time
Made the Help browser configurable
Changed greek accent processing so that it uses more of the greek accents.
For reasons known best to themselves, unicode tends to map greek varia to
grave, oxia to acute, etc.
More work to make sure the screen fonts are readable
tabbing into a text field selects all of it.
autotrace 2.8 has changed its argument conventions. new versions of fontforge
will no longer work with autotrace2.7.
If a menu doesn't fit in its window there is now a way to get at the menu
items which are offscreen
Cleaned up the panose (fontinfo) window
Added names to the private use area of unicode for greek small caps (starting
at 0xf500)
Fixed a couple of autohint problems
Manual hint addition might refuse to add a hint if it didn't like it. It
should now realize that the user is in charge...
Oops Edward Lee points out that I was missing some colons in my eps file
Hot key added for Unlink Reference
Werner found two more bugs when reading in cid keyed fonts without a
corresponding cidmap file.
Fixed a crash if there were no .cidmap files and FontForge was not installed
in a directory named bin.
Cleaned up the distribution a bit per Werner's requests
Added a ScreenWidthCentimeters resource
FontForge will no longer ask the X (Font) Server to scale bitmap fonts. It
will only used unscaled bitmaps or outline fonts.
Fixed a crash when adding (manually) a minimum distance hint to the width.
Fixed a bug in the configure script which caused it to fail on solaris
Added proper names for Hangul Syllables
The Greek fixup wasn't working as it should (sometimes would generate two
characters named "Delta" in pfb files). Should be fixed. Should also be
controllable by Preference item (ie. you can turn it off if you want to)
The metrics view did not display changes
The metrics view's cursor sometimes got stuck in the wrong shape
Merge Kern Info dlg crashed if you cancelled it.
The encoding tables in the cmap are supposed to be ordered by platform and
mine were not.
FontForge would crash when writing out very large copyright notices
I lifted the 2000 character restriction on copyright strings.
If there were more than 2 lines of tabs in a TabSet then clicking on a tab
would often cause the wrong pane to appear.
Cleaned up Font Info a bit so it looks better with the Russian translations.
Fixed a memory leak when generating a truetype font with an encoding other
than unicode.
Fixed a crash when generating a truetype font which referenced characters
with encodings bigger than 65535.
Added a patch from Ulrich, FontForge now reads class based kerning from the
GPOS table.
Figured out the format of mac .dfont files
The mac Command (Apple, Cloverleaf) modifier key is now treated as if it
were the Control key (So users may exit FontForge with Command-Q as they
Another bug reading in flex hints from OTF. Fixed by Ulrich Klauer.
FontForge had problems with drawing images when there was an endian mismatch
between the X server and the machine running fontforge.
Build Accented Character failed to update bitmaps in CID keyed fonts
Build Accented Character will generate rotated characters when appropriate
for CID keyed fonts
If a character's name is "vertcid_<cid>" where <cid> should be
replaced by a number, then that character will be replaced by a rotated version
of <cid>
If a character's name is "vertuni<uni>" where <uni> should be
replaced by a 4 hex-digit number, then that character will be replaced by
a rotated version of the unicode character <uni>.
When saving a font with rotated characters FontForge will now generate a
vrt2 feature in the GSUB table (this lets the font's users find out about
the rotated glyphs.
Before this FontForge would only read entries in the 'name' table which were
in unicode (or macroman). FontForge is a bit more general now and will read
the other encodings it knows about.
Oops. Another screw up reading in open type.
If the character at encoding 0 was not .notdef then FontForge would omit
it when generating a postscript/opentype font.
Adobe has upgraded their cid version for traditional chinese, so I generated
a new cidmap to reflect that. I've also cleaned up most of the others.
Initial version of vertical metric support.
(only in true/open type fonts)
Added ability to set the vertical advance of each character
Added ability to set the vertical origin (as an offset from the origin in
the design coordinate system (which happens to be the origin for horizontal
Added ability to set the line gap (er, column gap?)
What else do I need?
Oops. Urich Klauer found a bug in my parsing of ttf/otf tables (introduced
by the linegap change on 8 Nov) and sent a patch.
FontForge was erroneously complaining that all ttf composite glyphs were
too big (when reading them in, introduced 15 Nov).
FontForge stored StdHW and StdVW in the wrong format when reading opentype
fonts and any .pfa/b fonts generated from that db caused ghostview problems.
Fixed a potential crash from popups in the fontview.
Fixed three crashes in remove overlap (there are more problems)
Added support for reading/writing mixed 8/16 bit encodings. (used in some
CJK fonts)
Added support for big5, johab (johab is untested, big5 minimally)
Improved treatment of ttf encodings we don't understand.
Added a command to move to the next defined character (useful in CJK encodings
with great holes in the middle. Unicode too I suppose)
Added a resource (fontforge.FontView.FontFamily)
to control the font for the character labels that appear above every user
defined character.
FontForge now supports multi-line copyright notices (must be less that 2000
ascii characters though).
Changed the configure script to deal with Mac OS/X properly (I hope)
FontForge had a bug when loading some ttc files which caused it to crash.
FontForge wasn't prepared for the erroneous truetype found in wcl-02.ttf,
this caused a crash. FontForge should do better now.
FontForge's scrollbars didn't work very well. Should be much improved now.
FontForge used to generate an entire antialiased bitmap font to display in
the fontview window. Now it only generates the images when it needs them.
This speeds up the loading of large fonts and reduces their memory requirements.
Some nearly horizontal (but non-linear) splines could not be selected.
Changed the point info dlg so that users could set points back to have default
control points.
There was a pathway whereby points could be marked as having default control
points even when they didn't. That one is plugged.
The chinese font, kaui contains some interesting bugs which we've had to
work around:
Glyph 257 contains a contour consisting of one off-curve point.
The encoding cmap refers to non-existent glyphs
The fpgm attempts to move points around (it isn't allowed to do that according
to the docs)
Added support for macintosh resource fonts (by reading them from and writing
them to macbinary wrapped files)
Fixed a bug in metricsview where pasting with more than one character caused
a crash.
FontForge will now save ligature information in the GSUB table when creating
an opentype font.
When double clicking on a previously unused character, FontForge would not
set the default ligature properly.
FontForge would crash if you merged a font containing ligature information
into another one (or diagonal stems or minimum distances).
When opening some bdf files, fontforge would display nothing until you resized
the window.
Added the ability to set the TTF linegap fields. There are two of them (one
in OS/2 and one in hhea). I don't understand the distinction between them,
so I set both to the same value.
When merging fonts, characters which did not fit in the current encoding
would be placed immediately after the last character with something in it.
The intent was that they should go to an unused slot outside of the encoding
rather than within. This has been fixed.
I've added a preference item allowing you to configure the separation between
the base character and the accent in the Build Accented Character command.
I've also changed it so that if the character is close to the x-height or
the cap height, the accent is positioned as if the character were at the
x-height (or cap height), this means the accents will be at a consistent
level rather than slightly ragged.
I moved the Make First command to the Point menu.
Added a command to copy the splines in the foreground layer into the background
FontForge would not notice certain disk errors when generating truetype fonts.
It should do better now.
FontForge could crash when generating postscript from a unicode font that
did not contain all the greek letters.
Fixed a display bug in the metrics view.
FontForge should not be able to read in an opentype GPOS table and extract
kerning information from it.
FontForge will now put kerning info into the GPOS table when saving an opentype
font. TrueType fonts will still put kerning info into the kern table.
Added a command to remove width MDs & changed ttf generation to check
if there were any width MDs before setting the "metrics depend on pointsize"
flag in the head table.
Improved (I hope) placement of palettes under default gnome.
There was a bug in my otf read in of 'hflex1' instructions which warped some
otf fonts badly.
Change type1 encoding vectors so that they start with a for loop setting
everything to notdef. older versions of dvipdfm assume it's there
Added two new concepts to hinting which only apply to truetype:
You can specify that a certain point should be rounded to the grid in x or
(note: points on hints don't need this, they'll always be rounded)
You can specify that the x or y distance between two points should never
vanish (this is called Minimum Distance)
(note: each hint implies one of these going from one side of the hint to
the other, also there is an implied one of these between any two non-overlapping
You can also specify that the distance between a point and the width should
never vanish. This means that there will always be at least one pixel between
that point and the advance width of the character.
I removed the serif checker from the ttf instruction generator and moved
it to the autohinter (with some changes of course) and it now generates minimum
I added a minimum distance between the last stem of a character and the width.
I added a user interface to display and control these
I realized I was misinterpreting the ttf docs (again) and that IUP worked
better than I thought, and so I removed my own interpolation code (thank
you freetype! it is so good to see what the instructions do.)
Cleaned up some rather technical issues in the truetype instruction generation
occasioned by non-overlapping and non-intersecting hints.
FontForge will now read (but not produce) '.gsf' files. These are yet another
postscript format, like a pfa but without the eexec encoding. Ghostscript
uses them (others may, I think Wadalab did...).
Oops. In encodings containing characters with no defined postscript unicode
names, then the name generated for an unused character was wrong.
Oops. FontForge thought all user defined encodings were two byte encodings
and produced a warning message for them when generating type1 fonts.
Added a force encoding flag to the Font Info dlg. This is for those cases
where FontForge reads in a font but can't figure out what the proper encoding
is, then doing a force encoding will simply rename all the characters to
match what they should be in the chosen encoding.
Oops, neither afm nor bdf files were correctly normalized for fonts whose
em size wasn't 1000.
Improved bdf "CHARSET_COLLECTIONS" output.
Added a command to make two lines parallel
FontForge could crash when autohinting a diagonal hint.
FontForge generated awful instructions (hints) for truetype characters. I've
fixed some of the more egregious problems (I hope).
In particular:
Diagonal hints were completely broken
Overlapping hints didn't work either
Normal hints with more than one point on them sometimes had the second (third,
fourth...) point moved by the wrong amount.
Points that weren't on any hints were often not interpolated properly.
The serif code picked up on things which weren't serifs and tried to hint
them as though they were.
I've written a tool which will allow
you to look at what the instructions are and what they do.
TTF spline approximation (cubic->quadratic) should be twice as fast.
Clearing/Cutting a character with references from the font view corrupted
FontForge's internal state. If this were followed by a reduction in the number
of characters in the font (Element->Font Info->Encoding) a crash could
Clearing/Cutting a character with dependents from the font view now gives
the user the option of instanciating the character in all its dependents.
Hmm. Apple has some very strange things to say about how offsets and scaling
factors overlap in compound ttf glyphs. It is not well enough described (at
least when it applies to rotations) for me to implement it. Microsoft doesn't
do this. Great. OpenType gives a pair of bits to control this behavior (bit
11 set do it apple's way, bit 12 set do it MS way, neither set flip a coin
and guess, both set die in horrible agony). But still no description of exactly
what Apple does. So I've changed my ttf output routine always to set bit
12 in the composite flags. And the read in does something if it gets the
apple bit. Probably not the right thing though.
Fixed a potential problem clipping splines in the outline character display.
Added a warning when attempting to save a font with a two byte encoding into
a format that only supports one byte encodings (ie. unicode to pfb)
FontForge crashed when loading a bare bdf with more than 256 characters
FontForge used out of date versions of config.guess and config.sub. These
should be updated now.
Added support for saving bitmaps into ttf files. I don't know that I've got
it right. Windows Me ignores the bitmaps I put in. Windows may ignore all
bitmaps, or I may have done something wrong... There are so few files to
test bitmaps on though...
Some older systems have problems taking the cubed root of 0. This can pop
up in the Cubic Solution code now (when doing simplify for example). There
should be a work-around in place now.
On monospaced fonts FontForge generated a .notdef character whose width was
the em-square rather than the size of the rest of the font.
makefile wouldn't build ui files if "." wasn't in PATH environment variable.
Should be fixed.
Holding down the Shift key when invoking Element->AutoTrace will cause
it to prompt for command line arguments to the autotrace program (you have
to figure these arguments out yourself).
Improved importing background bitmap fonts (scaling factor set more accurately,
pk characters whose bitmap width was a factor of 8 had problems).
Import width from background bitmap fonts if the outline character is empty.
Merge Fonts was disabled except under bizarre circumstances, should be fixed.
Makefiles should create the *.ui files now.
Mac encoding table should include the Euro character now (I was using an
old version which had the currency symbol instead).
Mac OS/X port done (or at least a semi-working
version has been produced)
Localization didn't work if there was no preference file.
Can now read metafont pk files as bitmap fonts (Warning: No encoding on these
files, you've got to guess at the encoding before loading them).
Can now read kerning information from TeX .tfm files (Again, there's no encoding
in these guys, I just assume the font's encoding matches the tfm)
Can now read bitmap fonts out of a truetype EBDT (or bdat) table
Can import a bitmap and put it into the background of a font.
FontForge would sometimes get character widths wrong when reading a ttc file.
Major rewrite of Remove Overlap.
Fixed potential crash in autohint
I now find the intersection of a (cubic) spline and a line by the cubic algorithm
rather than by iteration.
Fixed more remove overlap/merge/simplify problems related to having many
points at the same location.
Fixed a bug in Point Info.
Fixed a couple more memory problems (caused by the chunk allocation), one
in remove overlap, one in autotrace
I'm told that yesterday's executable upload didn't work. Hope today's does
Fixed a crash when joining two paths
More tweaking of search path for ui files.
more configuration fixes
Fixed many simplify bugs
otf output would crash if given an open path. Fixed
Font View Paste has changed slightly. If the copy buffer contains more than
one character, and the selection is exactly one character, then the selection
will be changed so that it will exactly fit the copy buffer.
Also Font View Copy will copy the hints of the character.
Fixed a bug with reading CID keyed Type1 fonts
cleaned up some compilation problems on older systems (I hope)
Inserted Olaf's bug fix in gresource.c
Cleaned up behavior on zero-length splines
Ug. yesterday's install changes weren't complete. I forgot to remove the
old files from /usr/local/bin so fontforge used out of data translation tables
and things looked confused for non-English users. Also libgunicode had an
old version of some header files so there were compilation problems if this
was tar x'ed last (the other packages had the correct headers).
Also I posted a bad libgdraw source.
And got the dates wrong.
Added a tiny bit of German to the ui (hope it's right)
2001年9月4日 (but posted as 5-Sept-2001)
Menubar should be redrawn properly after a resize now.
File chooser should be smarter about retaining filenames after changing
Various fixes to support URW's odd habit of abbreviating everything to 4
characters (ie. recognize "obli" for "oblique", and "medi" for "medium")
Fixed a crash bug in postscript generation when character 0 was deemed worth
Tweaked XHeight calculation to look for greek/cyrillic "x"
Changed install process to put user-interface files into /usr/share/fontforge
instead of into the bin directory.
Small fixes to (my implementation of) Adobe Standard Encoding.
Small tweaks to get things to compile on solaris again.
If you dragged on a new spline, and then translated one or both of its end-points
the spline reverted to its default configuration
TTF files encoded in Wansung/SJIS will be read into a font encoded with either
KSC5601 or JIS208.
Fixed some bugs in otf output:
hintmasks were being output incorrectly, omitting bytes of data. This could
cause horrendous errors. If FontForge read in one of these fonts it would
often report "stack underflow".
Another hintmask problem caused characters to be offset from where they should
Placing a hintmask between multiple [rhv]lineto s caused us to skip a line
cleaned up generation of subroutines (used to be extraneous rmovetos)
If the user gave bad input to certain Private values (BlueValues for instance),
FontForge could go into an infinite loop.
Non-CID otf fonts did not get their encodings read
Improved parsing of hints in a type1 font with hint substitution
Fixed a crash bug in Inserting a font (or a blank font) into a CID font
Generate font dialog would sometimes default to producing a CID keyed font
when it was not appropriate.
I got the ulCodePageRange bits wrong of the CJK codepages (which meant that
windows thought the wrong characters were in the font)
I generated a bad cmap (ttf encoding) table for CID keyed otf fonts.
If a TTF/OTF font is encoded with KSC5601 or JIS208 then I will give it a
Wansung / SJIS encoding in the cmap (if a unicode encoding is desired then
reencode as unicode).
Found format for afm files of CID fonts. Can now produce such for CID font
Improved reference handling in type1s. If a reference doesn't fit into a
"seac" then try to use subroutines. Subroutines are possible if:
None of the references in the character use hint substitution (or flex
- or -
Only one of the references uses hint substitution and it isn't translated
(not moved)
Improved reference handling in type2s (opentype). Allow a reference to a
character with hint substitutions to go into a subroutine if none of the
other referenced characters use any hints at all, and the character with
hint substitutions is not translated.
Get Info was broken inside outline characters
Made an attempt to speed up handling of larger fonts. Only noticeable difference
I've seen is that it speeds up freeing the font.
Added a dialog to show what characters refer to the current character
Made a feeble attempt to sort out the confusion engendered by adobe's naming
conventions for greek letters.
if a font contains either the of the characters U+00B5 or U+03BC then when
saving the font FontForge ensures that characters with the names: "mu", "uni00B5"
and "uni03BC" are all present. Similarly for Delta, uni0394 uni2206 and Omega,
uni03A9 uni2126
Added support for command line arguments which begin with "--".
Added -usage and -help arguments
Added -recover={none,auto,clean} to give you control over the autorecovery
-recover=none means that the current run will not perform auto recovery but
will leave things so that the next run will do so. (Note: If you change a
font that will be recovered later, the results are indeterminate).
-recover=auto default behavior
-recover=clean cleans out the autorecovery directory
extension guessing would do the wrong thing if we actually wanted to open
a font with no extension.
Some minor fixes to gchardlg.c
Try to upgrade the CJK translation tables to Unicode 3
Improve processing of ttc files (I can actually read one no)
chooser icon for cid-keyed fonts
KSC5601-1987 was still wrong.
Fixed a crash in FontInfo on CID fonts.
Eek. FontInfo->Panose,TTF Values never got stored into the font.
Also added access to Version, and UniqueID
Was given a TTf font with no fontname. This caused a crash. FontForge now
assigns a fontname if the font doesn't provide one.
Added support (well ability to read) for SJIS, Big5 and Wansung TTF encodings
(platform=3, specific=2,3,5)
After playing with large asian fonts I am now making (minimal) attempts to
conserve memory and have changed all my doubles to floats (it's configurable
of course, but default is float).
Fixed a number of bugs in open type output
Was using out of date Korean->Unicode conversion. Should be fixed now.
Initial support for CID keyed fonts.
Added a constrain points command to align a collection of points, or to space
points evenly on a line.
Fixed a rare crash from closing the outline (or bitmap) view
Added a new problem to find problems
Fixed some small bugs in find problems
Oops. TrueType names came out in the wrong endianness.
Although the family name accepted spaces, it then silently removed them.
No longer. (I hope)
FontForge is now more careful when you attempt to clear a character from
the font view which has dependents (at least one of which is not being cleared
itself). It will warn you and allow you not to clear that character.
FontForge is also more careful when you attempt to paste a reference to a
character that does not exist in the current font. Before it silently ignored
it. Now it will warn you and give you the option of pasting the outlines
of the original character being refered to (if it can find that character).
Fixed an uninitialized variable in print that could cause things to go into
an infinite loop.
Fixed a rounding error problem in ttf generation that could cause an infinite
Small bitmap fonts will be magnified in the font view
Expand Stroke didn't work on counter-clockwise triangles (presumably other
shapes, but I didn't check). It also would randomly leave paths counter-clockwise
when they should have been clockwise.
Often when joining two paths (or closing one path) the point would jump when
you released the mouse. I finally figured out why.
wrote a unicode printf which is now used by most of the error routines. Should
be no visible difference to users.
cleaned up the truetype names aspect of the font info dlg.
Added a Translate Styles button to the above aspect if the string is Style
and the language is American English. (Sorry about the linguistic chauvinism)
Allowed spaces in the Postscript family name again
Fixed a bug where the "lpr" radio button would sometimes be disabled.
Various other small improvements to "Print".
The "Clockwise" detector failed on some paths. I've rewritten it, it should
work better now.
The clockwise detector in find problems also needed to be rewritten.
Added a Find Problems detector for almost horizontal/vertical control points.
Some improvements to metafont (well, a few characters look better anyway,
I hope it's an improvement). It still doesn't work of course.
Using almost any stringized error routine would munch memory. Many inexplicable
errors resulted. I hope it is now fixed and that FontForge is stable again.
Valek's improvements to Find Problems
Valek's russian version of "A quick brown fox..."
use textarea gadget for Font's copyright notice.
FontForge did not do a very good job of guessing at where hints should be
active when they were supplied by the user. Should do better now.
More tuneups for autohint.
Added a command to the outline view to allow you to set the "First Point"
of each spline set. This is important for Interpolate font.
Fixed a bug in Font Reencoding having to do with references.
Added direction detection to Find Problems (to make sure outer paths are
Cleared selections between explanations on Find Problems
Gave some indication of how near horizontal/vertical lines are wrong in find
Fixed a crash in MetaFont
Added a progress indicator to MetaFont
Added some more to the print sample text (bulgarian, macedonian, welsh, czech,
lithuanian, polish, slovene)
Stringized some more files
FontForge should now be able to read truetype collection files and do something
reasonable --
At least in theory. I don't have any truetype collection files to test on.
Oh dear. The rasterizer was looking at vertical hints when it should have
looked at horizontal ones, looking at no hints when it should have looked
at vertical ones. The result was that vertical edges weren't found.
FontForge had problems reading in lone bdf fonts with strange encodings.
Cleaned up print behavior slightly on systems without ghostview
Find Problems would not always stop immediately after pressing the stop button.
more files stringized
Eek! Memory problem in metrics view (writing beyond what was allocated).
Fixed now.
There is scrollbar in the metricsview again. This time it actually does
Did significant improvement to arabic ligature creation (at least it's done
right to left now and the proper forms will be picked).
Improved the character icons of Anti-Aliased fonts.
Oops. FontInfo would mistakenly complain about modifiers like "-Bold". Fixed.
There's the start of a command to change the weight
of a font. It doesn't work very well yet. It probably never will work
perfectly, but I hope it may eventually be useful.
Fixed a crash when referring to a character whose encoding was bigger than
Rewrote the Font Info dlg.
Made the dialog controlled by tabs instead of trying to show everything at
Merged the private info dlg into it
Provided access to some ttf settings which were previously hidden
Provided access to the ttf name table (which allows you to give the font
and its styles different names on different languages. So CaslonItalic could
be CaslonItalique in French and CaslonKursive in German.
Fixed another crash from putting strings in resources.
Added a snap-to feature on horizontal/vertical lines in the grid (guide)
Missing a few files in the distribution of the 28th.
Oops. Now all empty characters are nameless, not just controls.
Many improvements to find problems.
Added some new shortcuts to the menus.
When generating truetype (or opentype) fonts, FontForge failed to set the
ulCodePageRange for encodings other than latin1/latin2. Should do a better
job now.
Fixed a crash introduced by decompress.
Fixed a crash when trying to merge two paths (by moving them with the mouse)
when the stationary "path" consisted of exactly one point.
Sometimes control characters would be named "uni0001" (etc.) rather than
".notdef". Appropriate, but inconsistent. They should now always be called
".notdef" (unless explicitly renamed).
Change configure script to work on solaris
Make giofile.c compile on solaris
Fix crash in autohint
Decompress compressed font files automagically before loading them
Update russian version.
Copy Width did not work from the font view
made the info display in the outline view more legible if the locale used
"," as decimal point.
One more attempt to get palettes right. They would disappear if you went
to a non-outline view window and then returned to that same window.
Some useful information will now be displayed in the outline view as you
add points to a path.
And during rectangle, ellipse, polygon and star generation.
Build Composite Char will now create the characters 0x2000-0x2015 (spaces
and rules) if you ask it to.
Fixed several bugs caused by the resource string changed.
This one showed up in font info when removing characters.
And this on adding an encoding (to font info).
Any simple request for a string got two OK buttons (ie. no Cancel)
Added some more strings.
Cleaned up the hint translation code to work with the new (ie. hint substitution,
Improved UI for metrics view as per Valik's suggestions
Before it would wait until you depressed the mouse before changing the cursor,
now it changes the cursor as you move.
Better cursors (separate cursors for kerning, setting rbearing (== width),
setting lbearing)
Selected character is drawn in a different color.
Implement ghost/edge hints. (Oops)
Initial version of russian menus
Recently AutoHint would remove control points from splines which traced out
a line (ie. if the control points were on the line segment between the two
end points). AutoHint shouldn't muck with things like that. And anyway it
got it wrong in several cases.
The simplify command will now remove collinear control points from a spline.
And if you hold down the shift key when invoking the menu the simplify command
will only do this (and will change its name to cleanup).
Oops. FontForge looked in the current directory, not the executable's directory
for the ui files. Should be looking in the executable's dir.
Oops. The "font has changed" dialog caused a crash.
The simplify command will remove control points if the spline traces out
a line.
Cleaned up diagonal hints
Made a change to menus which might fix Valek's menu crash. Or might not.
Added some more strings to the ui files (yesterday files can't be used any
Cleaned up some problems with the metrics view.
Added a minimal help menu
If the Hint menu was invoked when there were not exactly two points selected,
then fontforge would crash. Fixed
Created a superstructure to allow localization of the UI. Created a small
(incomplete, probably wrong in many places) french ui.
Palettes would vanish when the first outline character view was closed. That
should be fixed.
Palettes should (I hope) do a better job of tracking windows.
Fixed another clipping problem
Added support for diagonal stems (for truetype instructioning. Not supported
by postscript hints)
AutoHint finds them
There's a Clear DStem command, and an Add DStem
Review Hints does not display them (they can't be described the same way
as H and V stems).
Changed the background color to be dark green so it will stand out against
a filled character
Previously if FontForge were given a corrupted font with no font name it
would crash. That should be fixed.
Added ability to create a pfm file (for ATM under windows)
Extended Font Info to allow you to set the FullName (the human readable font
name) from FontInfo
Two bugs with hint substitution code:
It would occasionally generate one subr containing overlapping hints
It would create a Subrs array much bigger than needed. For some reason xfs
had conniptions over the blank (but unused) entries
Cleaned up Exit, close and fontinfo commands to avoid possible race conditions.
Added a command to look for common problems
Fixed a crash caused by removing character slots from a font (using Number
of Characters in Font Info)
Fixed a crash caused by reading in a ttf file where the kerning info specified
a non-existent glyph
Fixed a crash caused by reading in a pf* file where the encoding was specified
in a slightly different format from the one we expect
Palettes should be controllable again.
Menu shortcuts should be available from palettes
That was a stupid idea (yesterday's). I've backed it out. Instead I've done
what Val asked for -- all windows share common palettes.
Made a preference item so that palettes could live within the outline view.
It's sort of a temporary hack until I get palettes working (if ever) so it
isn't really well integrated with things...
Fixed a crash bug which occurred when doing Transformations with the origin
set to Center of Selection (default) in a character with an unclosed path.
Fixed a similar crash when generating postscript.
And another when updating control points.
Added much to printing, should be done for now.
Valrk Filippov suggested that things should be constrainable to angles other
than horizontal, vertical and 45. In particular constraining to the ItalicAngle
of an Italic/Oblique font is very useful. So we do that now. Thanks Val!
Fixed more locale problems (I hope)
Info line should show the location of a point moved with the arrows.
Added Next/Prev Point commands
Added a Print to file command that displays the entire font, or fills a page
with the current character. More options to follow.
Fixed a bug in seac output
Fixed an introduced crash bug in hint output
Fixed a crash bug caused by increasing the number of characters allowed in
the font with FontInfo.
Redid hinting to support hint substitution and
counter hinting in Postscript (& opentype)
Hints now have an extent in both dimensions, indicating over what parts of
a character they should be active.
Dotted lines are used to show the extent of a hint in the primary dimension
I draw horizontal hints and vertical hints in different colors now, otherwise
it was too confusing guessing which was which.
If a hint conflicts with another its dotted lines are shown in cyan (rather
than light blue/green)
When the Review hints dlg is active the current hint is shown in dark blue/green.
The Review hints dlg shows whether a hint overlaps (conflicts with) another.
Auto Hinting will generate a list of all horizontal and vertical stems, and
then use some heuristics to remove some of the more annoying and less useful
stems from the Hint list. If you don't want this automatic pruning then holding
the Shift key down when you invoke AutoHint from the menu will leave you
with the full stem list.
Minor changes to truetype output to deal with the new hint list.
Major changes to PostScript output to deal with counters and hint substitution
Type 1 フォントを読み込んだときに、Type1 charstrings を保持しておくのはもうやめました。
The icon for outline character windows was still wrong for anti-alias
fonts if there were no bitmap fonts installed. Sigh.
Added a Correct Direction command to the font view.
Fixed many bugs with Correct Direction
Improved accent placement when we have serifs (I hope), don't want to center
on top serif of "i" for example.
Slight improvements when pasting bitmaps.
Oops. 0x2d should be "hyphen" in the Adobe Standard Encoding rather than
"minus" as I had it.
Opps. Generating postscript could crash if there were many blank characters.
Transform from the font view will (for some transformations and if
Copy From is set to All Fonts) transform
the bitmap associated bitmap characters as well as the outline characters.
Cleaned up Build Accented character so that it behaves consistently between
font/outline views, works with Copy From. The two different aspects of the
command (Accented vs. Composite) are now controlled by whether the Shift
key is down when the menu is invoked.
Some more locale tweaking for reading in/writing out postscript.
The Preference encoding for new fonts didn't work if set to a user defined
encoding. Should be fixed now.
Tangent points should display a little better now.
If a font is a 94x94 CJK font then the LanguageGroup field of the Private
dictionary will be set to 1.
Fixed a recently introduced crash bug that happens on non-unicode fonts with
accented characters.
If a character contained a reference and that character could not be converted
into a seac then there would be no hints for the reference. That should be
fixed now.
Accented bitmaps should be positioned better now.
Added a couple of progress indicators to font level operations (transform,
paste, etc.)
Expand stroke didn't work from the font view.
Fixed a clipping problem
Redid a change from yesterday. It should now work for the stuff that used
to work (as well as for what I fixed yesterday)
(moved to
Added code to allow users to select more than one bitmap font at a time to
be imported into an sfd.
Cleaned up opening a bdf file.
Fixed various crash bugs dealing with missing bitmap characters where there
were outline characters.
Fixed various problems with building greek accented characters (Unicode 3's
decompositions are no longer helpful)
Added some support for
documented corporate use characters (Small Caps, Old Style numbers...)
Cleaned up the outline character's icon (got broken when I added anti-aliasing)
em space character kept vanishing. Fixed that.
Fixed many other small bugs.
Addition improvements to the handling of format0 (1byte) encodings
Put a Symbol encoding into the FontInfo encoding list.
Oops. Ligature's had their semi-colons in the wrong place in afm files.
Yesterday's builds were transferred as ASCII not BINARY and are totally useless.
Added a macintosh encoding to ttf output
Slight improvement to ttf output (I hope)
Crash when reading a ttf font fixed (introduced by ligature code).
Crash when generating almost any postscript Type1 font (recently introduced)
Added code to read ligature information from the TTF/OTF GSUB table.
List buttons near the bottom of the screen would popup their list in
inappropriate places.
Fixed two bugs in cubic->quadratic spline conversion.
Added support for TrueType Symbol encodings
Menus would go into an infinite loop if you: depressed the mouse on the menu
bar (and pulled down a menu) and then moved the mouse so that it was above
the menubar when the menu was below it. Should be fixed.
Added a submenu of recent files and a pull down list in the open dlg.
Added stuff to put ligature info into an afm file (But not the GSUB table
of ttf/otf)
Fixed a crash bug when making an encoding from a font with a non-unicode
character in it.
Reencoding a font got confused if the new encoding contained more than one
instance of the same glyph (common example is to have both 0x20 and 0xA0
point to space) or if it contained a non-unicode character. This should be
fixed now.
Fixed a couple of problems with reading otf files
Added ability to save an Open Type font
Added a "Round to Int" command
.sfd files contain decimal points. This means they are locale specific. Changed
the input routines so that it would accept either "." or "," as a decimal
FontForge provides some support for XUIDs
FontForge now has a button in the font info dialog which may be able to guess
the italic angle for the font.
AutoWidth/Kern didn't work well when the font was missing "A"
AutoWidth/Kern didn't work well when the font was italic/oblique
Build Accented Character didn't work too well when the font was italic/oblique
Previously opening a Type1 font failed to read /OtherSubrs correctly
Oops. In the Open Font Dialog, typing a wildcard changed the default button
to [New] rather than [Filter]. And pressing on [Filter] caused a crash.
Added ability to open an Open Type font (Postscript Type2 in a TrueType wrapper)
It is now possible to edit bdf fonts directly (without first creating a dummy
postscript font to contain them)
Fixed crash bug under kde
Made it possible to for the user to new encodings
(added TeX base encoding)
slight improvements to the palette code
Fixed a clipping problem in the Metricsview
Fixed various other display problems in Metrics
Fixed various display problems in the fontview
Added "Remove All Kern Pairs" menu item
Fixed Auto Kern yet again
Added a preference item to control the foundry name for generated bdf fonts.
Oops. Fixed a typo in auto-kerning code. It should work now...
From the outline view, exporting to a bmp file allows you to save an anti-aliased
character as well as a bitmap.
The Generate Fonts command allows you to save anti-aliased greymap fonts.
The format they are saved in was invented by me an hour ago so it's totally
useless (it's exactly the same as bdf except there's one extra header
"BITSPERPIXEL" which may be 1, 2, 4 or 8 (1 would be the same as bdf), and
the number of pixels packed into a byte is 8/BITSPERPIXEL (so 8, 4, 2 or
1 respectively).
If you selected "No Outline font" in the Generate fonts dialog, it would
generate a postscript font anyway. This has been fixed.
AutoKerning now lets you specify the number of kerning pairs the font may
I'm told that ttf fonts can only have 2048 kerning pairs, so if a font has
more, the ttf generator will only save the 2048 ones with the biggest (absolute)
kerning offset.
Fixed a bug in autowidth (would make some characters far too wide).
Fixed a bug in autokern which caused it to kern things too closely together.
This also reduced the number of kern pairs generated.
Fixed a crash when loading a truetype font (if a glyph's start point and
end point were both off-curve points then the point between them was interpolated
FontForge should now work with XFree 4.0.* before it would crash after putting
up the splash screen.
Fixed yet another remove overlap bug.
a number of small improvements
fixed a crash bug (occurred when holding down the alt key, using the pointer
tool, and no reference was selected)
Fixed a small bug in the hinting of glyph 0 (the unknown character)
Added "rulers" to the character outline view
Expanded the abilities of the postscript importer
Fixed yet another clipping bug.
Fixed a problem displaying tangent points when the control point was less
than 1 unit away
Provides an interface to the autotrace program to autotrace background images
Fixed a crash when drawing large images.
Fixed a problem with detecting clockwise paths.
Fixed a bug with reading in Type3 fonts
Minimal truetype instructing (hinting) is now in place.
no hints |
hints |
This includes applying instructions to all points that lie on the Hints generated
for Postscript, a certain amount of extra effort to detect serifs, and
application of the PostScript BlueValues to the TrueType cvt.
AutoHint has been improved for some characters again.
When Get Info is applied to a single selected reference character the dialog
now has a button which will bring up a window displaying the character refered
The Font View now displays info on the current character
Selecting by dragging out a rectangle in the character outline view would
sometimes miss points. I think that's fixed.
Doing a multi-character copy in the fontview would remove non-existent characters
from the copy set. They are no longer removed.
Build Accented character would always use a dotlessi when building an character
based on an "i". This behavior is only correct if the accent added is above
the letter. Adding an ogonek for example should retain the dot. This is now
fixed. (In theory the same problem could occur for j, but I don't think there
are any cases where it does).
When generating a type1 font FontForge will detect whether Flex hints can
be used and use them if appropriate.
There was a bug in the routine that read in flex hints. It would leave behind
6 extra points not on any path in most characters with a flex hint. These
points were not harmful, but they should not have been there.
I found some cases where autohint picked the wrong hints. I cleaned them
up. I hope I haven't broken others...
Fixed another clipping problem.
(Various experiments with instructing truetype have yielded no display
FontForge no longer crashes on high-end systems where the default visual
has a smaller depth than the maximum the screen supports.
FontForge no longer crashes on systems with no bitmap unicode fonts installed.
When FontForge reads in a Type1 font it will preserve the original character
strings (the type1 strings that define the glyph shape) and will write them
out again when you save the font. If you modify a character (even something
innocuous like setting the width) the string for that character will be lost.
This means that any characters you do not modify will retain flex hints and
hint substitution. (the Subrs and OtherSubrs arrays are also preserved).
There is now a way to edit the entries in the Private dictionary (well most
of them. No way to edit the Subrs entry). The program will guess at good
values for some entries (like StdHW or BlueValues). If there is no BlueValues
entry present when a type1 font is generated then the program will guess
at good values (and will also guess at values for OtherBlues), otherwise
it will use the one supplied. Similarly for StdHW and StdVW (if StdHW is
absent then the program will guess at SnapStemH too, similarly for SnapStemV).
If UniqueID is present in the Private dictionary then that value will be
used in the font dictionary, if no UniqueID is present then the program will
generate a random number in the allowed range.
Removed a number of warnings from the code
Made arrow keys functional in the fontview
Changed type0 unicode generation so that if the font does not contain
U+2700-U+27FF the printer's own ZapfDingbats (if present) will be mapped
Added Adobe Standard to the Font Info Encoding list.
Fixed some problems in saving both Type1s and TrueType fonts.
Added clipping code to the outline character view. (Before at magnifications
around 100 or so we'd run into overflow problems)
Added progress widget to font generation (and font database saving)
Fixed some problems with the configure script (handles libraries now)
Added a progress widget to show how things are going on long operations
(currently only font opens)
Fixed numerous small annoyances
Fixed a crash I introduced into build accented characters.
Fixed a couple of bugs in truetype generation
Added a configure script
Rearranged (simplified) the directory structure
Improved the build accented character function
(similar improvements to display of unicode text (in text fields, etc.) with
composing characters)
BiDi text was previously confused by composed characters and would put them
on the wrong letter. Fixed.
Tweaked some include files so fontforge might compile under Irix
Added anti-aliasing code to the font view.
Fixed bugs where server has 24bit depth but 32bit pixel size
Added a resource which turn palettes off (so they stop trying to steal focus
and stop trying to track the main window)
Some improvement in processing of postscript names in true type fonts (will
make truetype output marginally smaller in most cases)
Fixed a bug with popup menus.
Holding down the meta key allows you to drag (rather than resize) references
which fill the bounding box.
Improved saving of both postscript and truetype fonts when there are composite
characters referring to other composites.
Fixed bug in file chooser where typing into the listbox (to select a file)
made it think (sometimes) that it had a directory.
Fixed bug in Goto Char code where it would refuse to go to a character's
location (sometimes) if the character had not been created yet.
Improved drawing of palettes on indexed displays
Improved accent processing in build accented characters
Fixed a bug that kept the file chooser (the open file dlg, etc.) from browsing
the root directory.
Realized that libgif is just a symbolic link to libungif. Made the readgif
routine use either one
A typo in writepng caused it to require libpng at link time, this has been
fixed, it should now only need libpng if someone actually loads a png file.
Added a preference dlg. Not much in it as yet.
fixed a number of bugs
Timers sometimes failed to go off -> splash screen might not vanish, popups
might not pop, autosave might not happen...
Vertical lines might cause divide by 0 errors on some systems when reading
in a font
Some fonts were thought not to have characters they actually had.
94x94 fonts were encoded as 92x94 (losing 188 characters)
Fixed problems with kuten decoding
Fixed various crashes involving selecting and deselecting non-existent characters
Added Tom Harvey's man page to the distribution (Thanks Tom!)
Fixed a bug where radio buttons, etc. sometimes got left highlit
Added an interpreter for (some) postscript type 3 fonts
made libgdraw and friends into one shared library
More distribution bug fixes
Fixed bugs in Overlap & AutoWidth
Added new command to Metrics menu (Thirds in Width)
Fixed a distribution bug
Fixed some problems with build accented character
Many small improvements and bug fixes.
More remove overlap corrections
I think I'm reading xfig splines properly now. The conversion to postscript
still leaves something to be desired, but it's as good as I'm likely to make
Generate Fonts can produce TrueType
TrueType reader now gets (horizontal) kerning info
Added code that automagically preserves changes if the program should crash
(but does not save on the source file unless you ask it to).
Added a Revert File command.
FontForge will now read in a TrueType font
(it doesn't read hints from the font)
(it doesn't read bitmaps from the font)
Got FontForge to build on a netbsd alpha box
Added Auto Width & Auto Kern commands
If you do a translation which is of the entire outline character and is only
in the x-direction, then all the character's hints will be translated too,
and if the character is a letter then in any characters which depend on this
one, the other things in the character will also be translated.
Added a skew command to the bitmap view
Added Interpolate Fonts
fixed more remove overlap bugs (don't know of any left)
Added Merge Font command
fixed many small bugs with constrained movements
fixed many autohinting bugs
Fixed some remove overlap bugs
Added backup files when saving sfd files
Added a command that automagically builds an accented (or general composite)
character. (see below)
Added support for various CJK encodings (JIS 208, JIS 212, old KSC 5601,
GB 2302, all 94x94)
Implemented a fairly poor importer/exporter of xfig files. (I don't know
how to convert XSplines to Bézier Splines reasonably).
Implemented a metrics window, added support for kerning (kern info only lives
in the afm file, not in the font itself)
Metrics window will also display text from bitmap fonts (but you mayn't change
a bitmap's metrics)
Reexamined palette code with transient windows. It seems to work on kde now.
Fixed blinking cursor on 8&16 bit-depth displays
Generate & save bitmaps
Bitmap editor (added a couple of tools like flipping and corner turning,
circle drawing, etc. that aren't in fontographer)
fontview can display a bitmap, if it does then double clicking on a char
will display the bitmap
Changing the width of a character (in outline view) will automatically change
the width of all bitmaps of that character. Also if the character is a letter
and there are accented characters which refer to it and the accented characters
have the same with that the letter used to have, then the accented characters
(and their bitmaps) will also have their width updated.
Can import and export bitmap images into bitmap window
Can import a bdf file
Can copy and paste in the fontview (bitmaps can be affected as well as outlines)
Improved star tool
Added various metrics menu items
Added a simplify command
fixed bugs in the merge command
Made font view functional, can apply to many outline characters at once
expand stroke
remove overlap
metrics items above
Char Info
Added Calligraphic expand stroke
Added Get Info
Added Correct Path Direction
Added Remove Overlap (probably very buggy)
Enhanced support for Unicode, added type0 font output.
Added type3 output (not compressed type 3, can't open a type3 or type0)
Sped up background image drawing.
Implemented drag-resize of images and referenced characters
Added Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon and Star tools.
Added expand stroke
Paths stored in .sfd files are now closed (bug fix)
Added the equivalent of a .fog file (Spline Font Database, sfd files)
Implemented transform tools
continued fixing palettes
Imports and exports simple eps files for characters
Transform allows you to pick origin
Bunch of menu items for manual hinting added. (I hope I'm done with hints
now... at least till I look at truetype)
Clockwise now agrees with Fontographer (and everyone else)
Added "pen" , and a knife tools
(Added many other tools pictures, but they aren't implemented yet)
Fixed many palette problems. (including kde's not doing menu shortcuts)
Put in menu items to show/hide palettes
FontForge が (Web 上で) 最初に利用可能になったのは 2000 年 11 月 7 日で、 sourceforge に 2001 年 1 月 21 日に移行しました。私がコーディングを始めたのは 2000 年 9 月頃のことです。